chapter 2

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Back on the frontlines, the tide of battle was slowly shifting in favor of Azazel and Serafall's alliance. The arrival of Katerea Leviathan's faction had initially caught them off guard, but their unity and resolve were formidable.

Just as victory seemed within reach, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. A rift in the fabric of space opened nearby, catching the attention of both sides. From this rift emerged a figure, shrouded in darkness, with eyes that glinted with an eerie crimson light.

The arrival of this enigmatic entity sent shockwaves through the battlefield, freezing both Azazel's forces and Katerea's faction in their tracks. Whispers of dread rippled through the ranks as they realized that they were facing a new, unknown threat.

As the mysterious figure slowly advanced, the ground beneath their feet trembled, and a palpable aura of malevolence filled the air. Whatever plans had been in motion before had suddenly taken a dark and unforeseen turn.

As the mysterious figure stepped forward, the dread that emanated from him became almost suffocating. His identity was revealed as none other than Rizevim Lucifer, the son of Satan Lucifer himself. This revelation sent shockwaves through the battlefield, and the very ground seemed to quiver in response to his presence.

Rizevim's malevolent grin twisted his features as he addressed the bewildered forces before him. "Ah, the surprises that fate has in store for us. Did you miss me, dear fallen angels, devils, and all you other insignificant beings?"

Azazel and Serafall exchanged uneasy glances, for they knew of Rizevim's reputation as a harbinger of chaos. His insatiable desire for destruction was infamous even among the most malevolent devils and fallen angels.

"Rizevim," Azazel said through gritted teeth, "what brings you here? Your presence only brings suffering and devastation."

Rizevim chuckled darkly. "Oh, Azazel, always so serious. I've come to bring the world the gift of endless destruction and chaos. After all, it's what I do best."

With a casual wave of his hand, Rizevim unleashed a wave of dark energy that swept through the battlefield, causing devastation in its wake. Spells were negated, warriors were flung aside, and panic spread like wildfire.

Serafall clenched her fists, her determination unwavering. "We won't let you have your way, Rizevim! We'll protect our world from your madness!"

Azazel nodded in agreement. "You may be the son of Satan Lucifer, but we won't bow to your twisted desires."

Rizevim's crimson eyes glowed brighter as he reveled in the chaos he had caused. "Ah, defiance. How amusing. Let's see how long you can hold out against me.

Reborn as Riser phinoex part 2 Where stories live. Discover now