Chapter 2 - Road Trip

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Sam and Dean were already in the garage getting the car packed when I came down the steps with my duffel bag, wearing a black tank top with a red flannel and black leather jacket and dark blue jeans with my new combat boots. Sam looked back at me, furrowing his brows when Dean sat up, looking back at me and then down at himself, who was also wearing a black tee, red flannel and brown leather jacket with dark jeans and his boots.

Sam looked back between us both before shaking his head and raising his eyebrows, "Great. Mandy was right, you two are practically carbon copies of one another?"

Dean stopped, looking back and shrugging with a smirk, "I can throw on some red lipstick for you if you want, Sammy?"

Sam made a face of disgust when I laughed, shaking my head and tossing my bag in the trunk, "What's the matter, Sam? I haven't changed that much, you've always known I have an affinity for leather and plaid. Why do you think I wear your clothes all the time?"

Sam sighed, shaking his head as he opened the passenger's side door, "As long as you two don't start singing along to all the greatest hits of mullet rock? We've got a thirty-three hour drive ahead of us, and it's bad enough when it's just me and Dean. I don't need two of you."

I leaned onto the top of the car with a smile, "Oh, come on, Sam. It'll be fun, like a road trip? I even ordered some new cassettes to update Dean's collection, since he likely hasn't updated it since the ninth grade."

Dean came around, opening the driver's side door and shaking his head, "Oh no, that's not happening. I'll tell you exactly what I tell Sammy? Driver picks the music, and shotgun shuts his cakehole."

I shrugged, "Well, I'm not gonna be sitting shotgun, I'm taking the middle seat. Besides, I couldn't find any cassette's of any music made after 1992, so it's not like I'd be playing any Taylor Swift?"

Dean gave me a look when I started to smirk and shrug, "Or... You could let me drive?"

Dean furrowed his brows, looking back at Sam who started to shrug in agreement when Dean shook his head, pointing back and forth between us, "Oh no, this- is not happening. I'm not gonna be the third wheel while we go on this hunt. I already have to share a room with you two, and now you want me to do what? Sit in the back of my own car? Not happening, sister!"

Sam stopped, looking between us two when Sam shrugged, "I could... Sit in the back? If you'd rather have shotgun?"

I raised my eyebrows and pleaded with a big smile, "Please? I just got back from hell, Dean. And I remember how to drive now since I got my soul back."

Dean gave me a look, shaking his head, "I've seen you drive Sam's car, Cat. Not happening-"

"Oh come on, like you're any better? You drive at least twenty miles over the speed limit while trying to use both hands to eat tacos?"

Dean shrugged with a smirk, "Well, when you get your own car, you can drive it however you want to. You're not crashing my baby."

Sam sighed, leaning on the hood of the car as he gave me a look, "He doesn't mean it, Cat, he's just cranky cause Mandy left him on read."

Dean shot a look back at Sam when Sam smirked, shrugging, "Let him have his car and his music."

I looked back at him and sighed, "Fine, but I'm still taking the middle seat. I'm not some bookie you can just throw in the back seat, I'm a part of this now."

The Master's Tale - Nightmare On Memory Lane, Book 1, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now