Chapter 5 - Nightmare on Memory Lane

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-Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault-


Sam and I were back in the room, both of us on our laptops as Sam continued with research and I had my headphones on, watching the 'Wedding Singer' while pretending like I was still helping with research too.

Dean then came through the door, wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red striped tie and carrying a manila file in his hands, smirking at us as he closed the door behind him, "Well, well, look at you two. I guess a couple that researches together, stays together."

I pulled my headphones off, looking back when Sam shook his head, still looking at his screen as he spoke, "She's not researching, she's watching Netflix."

I stopped, looking back, "You knew this whole time?"

Sam smirked to himself, looking back at Dean, "What'd you find out from the sheriff's office?"

Dean started to slip off his suit jacket and hang it up as he shrugged, shaking his head, "Well, Sammy, this case might not be so cut and dry anymore."

Sam stopped, furrowing his brows a little as Dean pulled up a chair, unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them up, "First, I wanna know how her first interview went? Did she bomb?"

I gave him a look when Sam smiled halfway, shaking his head, "No, she was a natural. Even found out that there were two more victims before this place even opened? Her husband and son, both died in their sleep just like the other vics."

Dean started to open the file, shaking his head as he handed Sam a report, "Well, they might have died in their sleep, but it wasn't from dying of fright. They suffocated to death. The coroner said it was like their chests were almost crushed before their heart stopped."

Sam started to panic as he looked over the report, making me stop and look back at him, "Wait, that- that doesn't sound like a ghost?"

Sam swallowed, closing his laptop as he started to stand up, "Pack your things, Cat, we're leaving."

"What?! No, we just got here-"

"Cat, I'm not arguing about this. If Diana is killing people here, then you need to-"

"Whoa, whoa, wait. No one said anything about Diana?" finished Dean as he stood up and stopped in front of Sam.

Sam held the report in his hands, giving him a look and shaking his head, "They were crushed to death in their sleep, Dean. That doesn't sound at all familiar to you?"

I took off my headphones, closing my laptop as I stood up and came over, giving Sam a look, "Sam, what happened to me was different and you know that. We don't know if it's Diana or not-"

"Maybe not, but I'm not gonna take that chance. This was a mistake, I should have never let you come with us."

I stopped, feeling a little hurt as Dean tried to diffuse the situation, "Okay, okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Look, Sammy, maybe she's right? We don't know if it's her or not, and we went into this knowing it was dangerous, that's why we prepared her for this. She can handle it."

Sam stopped, looking away when I looked down, shaking my head, "When are you gonna stop worrying about me, Sam? I'm not weak and defenseless anymore? Besides, I hate to break it to you, but I still have to save the world at some point? I'm gonna have to learn all of this eventually?"

The Master's Tale - Nightmare On Memory Lane, Book 1, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now