Sunflowers and Surprises

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Entering the street of muggle London, I find myself accepting the arm Lucius is offering. We get a few funny looks as we walk down the street from some muggles.

"They are worried because you look so young," Lucius remarks.

I am about to ask why when I remember he is a very talented Legilimens.

"Meh the women are just jealous," I smirk.

"I am seeing the Slytherin side to you Little one," he smiles, "and yes they seem to be jealous, but I must confess it is quite an ego boost having you on my arm."

I blush furiously at that and ask if we are apparating back to Hogwarts, curious as our early supper means we are not even at 7pm yet.

"Why are you eager to be rid of me," he asks but catching my expression asks, "or perhaps you don't want to return to Hogwarts just yet."

"I wont deny that I am enjoying my time with you at the present." I state confidently.

"You're learning quickly," he whispers deeply in my ear. Oh god that mans voice can do things to me. "Actually, I was hoping you'd be ok apparating with me to the Manor. There is something I think you would appreciate greatly."

I agree to the added stop and grasp his arm tightly as I feel the pull of apparition in my stomach. I wobble as we land and feel Lucius reach out to steady me. My stomach was feeling topsy turvy and I felt off balance. He held me steady till I was ready to walk. I thanked him and he led the way into his house. I never realized how different the manor truly looked. It seemed less gloomy and dark every where. It still felt stiff and formal but had more light to it than before.

"I am slowly trying to change the Manor to remove the dark stain left behind." He said out of the blue.

"Well, I think it is a beautiful home," I replied.

"I am glad you like it. If you follow me I think there is a certain part of the house you will enjoy most of all." He said and curiosity took over and I was following him blindly into his house.

We walked past the sitting room doors and as we passed new rooms Lucius would say what they are. We passed by a huge double doors that he said led down to a ballroom. I asked if I could go inside, and he said eventually with a smirk. I always loved Beauty and the Beast, so the idea of an actual ballroom had me giddy. We finally came to a set of doors at the end of the hallway, I assumed we were at the back of the Manor by now.

"I hope you like it," Lucius said as he opened the doors to allow me to pass.

I gasped so hard when I walked through the doors. It may have been later September, but you could not feel a chill walking into the greenhouse. The greenhouse itself was huge and in the far side I saw a huge planting of sunflowers. I immediately wandered over there and started admiring the flowers.

"These are beautiful Lucius!" I say looking back over my shoulder at him.

"I am glad you enjoy my green house," he exclaims coming to stand beside me, "perhaps I can give you a full tour."

"I would love that!" I said as he offered me his arm to show me around.

An hour later I had seen every square inch of the greenhouse. Lucius had so many flowers growing it was astounding. I found out the house had the greenhouse since his grandmother, and he tried to keep it up in honor of her memory.

"I think it's a wonderful way to honor her memory" I say accepting the seat he pulled out for me at the little patio table inside the greenhouse.

"Thank you Amelia," he said, "I appreciate you giving me a second chance today. I would like this marriage to work for the both of us rather than be miserable."

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