Malfoy Manor

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When I woke on Saturday the sun was already shining through my window. I went out to the common room to see if anyone was awake and was not surprised to see Hermione reading a book on the couch.

"Morning Mione!" I said pulling her from her book. She looked up and smiled while saying morning.

"Are you not getting ready to see Charlie? Its 9 am already!" I asked.

"I don't know what to do!" she said.

"Well, I can help you pick an outfit for you both!" Pansy said coming out of her room looking very put together, except for one little spot.

"Uhh Pansy, you have a mark on your neck!" I point as she squeals to go look in the mirror. A few minutes later she emerges red faced and clear necked, clearly casted a concealment charm on the hickey. Her dark grey dress hit just above her knees, and she had on gorgeous black pumps and a designer jacket slung over her arm.

"I am glad you clearly had fun last night." I said earning a glare from Pansy for poking fun at her.

"Daphne and Blaise are already at breakfast before going to their date so I can help with outfits!" Pansy exclaimed ignoring my remark.

"Hermione I can help with your hair. I will grab some of the outfit ideas I had and meet you two in Hermione's room." I said as I turned on my heel to go grab my things from my room. I knew I would need some Sleek-easy hair potion to tame Hermione's wicked curls.

As I walked into Hermione's room I saw Pansy going through Hermione's closet complaining that she needed to stop with the sweaters.

"What is wrong with sweaters? They are comfy Pansy!" Hermione defended.

"They are a fashion crime for a witch! We have warming charms for a reason! Plus, you have a good figure and should show it off." Pansy retorted.

I giggled as I set my stuff on the bed. "Lets see your options Peverell!" Pansy turned around to face me.

I pointed to the two outfits I had chosen: a black t-shirt dress that fit snug with tights and black ankle boots or dark blue jeans with an off the should black top that had longer sleeves. Both options would pair nicely with my cloak that I used to travel.

"What are you wearing as a coat?" Pansy said, "I need to know all aspects to see which one would be best!"

"She is a dictator on fashion," Hermione leaned across the bed to whisper.

"I heard that, Granger!" Pansy yelled as Hermione ran to shower quick and put the hair potion in so I could fix up her hair.

"I am wearing a dark, almost black, green cloak that Remus got me for my birthday this year." I stated answering Pansy's initial question.

Pansy pondered before pointing to the jeans and top. "Go dressed modestly and it will highlight how amazing your ass looks!"

I quickly used my wand to swap into my outfit before tucking my hair up with my wand. Hermione had emerged from the bathroom just as I sent my clothes back to my room. Pansy threw her chosen outfit at Mione and told her this was what she would wear.

Hermione waved her wand and got dressed in Pansy's selection. It was a burgundy red long sleeve that hugged her curves and had a scoop neckline. The shirt was paired with black skinny jeans and knee-high boots.

"Mione, you look amazing!" I said as I motioned her to sit in front of me so I could work on her hair.

"I figured you should look comfy and sexy at the same time since you're seeing him for the first time. How are you going to do her hair?" Pansy asked looking at the wild curls that were drying and increasing in volume.

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