Slytherin vs. Gryffindor

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Friday, we had more essays handed out in class and Charlie had apparated in just before dinner. Hermione and he got him settled in her room before joining us for dinner. Clearly, they had a heck of a make out session as they both had quite swollen lips and a furious blush happening. Blaise, Daphne and Pansy were sitting with their house this weekend due to the Quidditch match and they were wanting to catch up with some of their friends. Charlie, Hermione, Ron and Harry were going to see Hagrid after dinner and invited me to come along. Ginny was going to get some extra flying practice in. I politely declined as I made plans to help Remus grade the younger students DADA papers tonight, so he was ahead of the game before the full moon next week.

I waved by to everyone as they wandered off to their respective destinations as I headed for the classroom. Walking in I saw Professor Snape talking to Remus about what I could assume was the monthly supply of wolfsbane potion he had brewed.

"You need to take it same as before," Snape stated before turning to exit. He almost ran me over as he left clearly not realizing I was there.

"Ms. Peverell," he simply stated as he passed.

"Professor," I replied meeting his eye and nodding.

"What was that about?" Remus asked me as Snape as never been to chatty with students for no reason.

"Probably because he knows that I know that Lucius Malfoy asked him about details about me." I shrugged pulling out my quill and ink to sit across from Remus. "So what am I helping grade today?"

"Third year papers on their introduction to boggarts," he stated plainly.

"Oh goodie this will not be thrilling," I laugh before starting on the first one.

Several hours later we are done all the 3rd and 4th year papers when I let out a yawn.

"Go to bed Mia," Remus states clearly having caught my yawn.

"I will I just wanted to finish the papers," I stated packing up my things.

"You're doing ok?" Remus asks as I am packing up. "I only ask cause you got the flowers at breakfast the other day and you're a tough cookie to read Mia."

"Honestly Remus, I don't know how I feel. I am appreciative he apologized and bothered to send the sunflowers but its been radio silence since then, so I am not sure what to expect anymore. I don't even know what I would say to him."

"You two are a lot a like you know," Remus starts as he sees the questions written across my face, "You're both prideful and stubborn that is for sure but, deep down under the cool exterior of Lucius Malfoy and the fiery nature you have is two people who have never had choices and suffered great loss. You both are scared to let your vulnerable side show and maybe you need to take that leap to get to know him first. Marriage contracts can wait as you have a year to get it all sorted."

I nod in agreement knowing he is not wrong and considering he went to school for a bit with him he saw more than I know. I turn to head out when I hear Remus call my name, "Mia." I turn around to look at him.

"Just make sure you actually let him in otherwise its never going to work out how you want." He says before dismissing me for the night.

I sit staring at the stars wondering about what Remus said. Maybe I should swallow my pride and reply or send a letter. The problem is a I have no idea what to say after our disagreement. I slowly nod off to sleep knowing I need the energy to cheer for Gryffindor in the first match of the year.

I wake up to all the Quidditch players gone to breakfast before squeezing in a last morning practice. Daphne, waves hello before running off to the Slytherin common room. She was planning on spending the morning get all decked out in Slytherin colors with her sister. Hermione and Charlie were on the couch as I shut my door.

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