Chapter 14

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fluffer chapter Lucius POV

A.N: I don't want them to rush into anything as is so common with this type of fanfic. I really want it to be a struggle and with two proud characters it should not be so easy. Don't worry fluff is coming but these two will have to have some hardships first and truly figure out their feelings first!

I saw her scouring the library for a book and she looked so at ease. I couldn't stop myself from going up to her, but I had no idea she didn't know I was there. When she turned around all I could do was kiss her before I could even think through what I was doing.


"Sorry," I stumble out as we break off the kiss.

She is staring at me with wide eyes and is completely shocked.

Shit! I think to myself that I have eternally screwed up but then she smiles.

"Don't apologize because I am not sorry, but I am confused Lucius."

"Me to honestly and I am never this out of sorts."

"Then don't stress to much over it. We have a very unique situation and I think its best to just figure it out first."

As much as it kills me I agree as I don't want to make her uncomfortable and I too don't know what is happening. A forced marriage is not something I wanted again, and I certainly don't want this young woman to resent me.

"We have plenty of time still before the Ministry deadline anyways so we can be friends first," she says with a hopeful smile, and I can see she is trying to make the best of this awkwardness.

I give her a curt nod then leave her to her books to go work in my study.

End of Flashback***

Dinner with her was pleasant and no traces of awkwardness are present. Amelia announced she was going to apparate back to the school after dinner and promised it was nothing to do with us. I knew otherwise but agreed when she spouted the excuse of homework. I knew she was confused as was I about everything, but we had to sort this out. I refused to present myself and her as anything but a united front at the opera next weekend and she needed all the confidence she could get. I had sent an owl to Severus once she apparated back to school, asking him to floo over for a drink so when I heard the flames I had his drink prepared.

"Why the sudden urge to have a drink together and why could you not just come to the school as usual?" Severus drawled.

"Because she is back at school and I don't need prying school eyes or ears," I sniped back, "Plus we have been friends for a long time and after everything we have been through you can damn well help me out here."

Severus just moved to sit in one of the chairs before lifting his brows at me signaling me to start the conversation.

"I kissed her again," I sigh as I sit down with a fresh glass of fire whiskey.

"And this is bad," Severus replied dryly before taking a sip.

"Yes she is the age my son is.. was," I pause thinking of Draco before continuing, "she is not what I am used to."

"No, you're used to the marriage you had with Cissy," he starts, and I turn to face him ready to chew him out for bringing up my late wife, "Let me finish Lucius. You and Cissy were arranged and while you both had affection for each other, you were friends. You loved your son with her and lost them both. You are grieving whether your pure-blooded arse will show it or not."

"Sev." But he cuts me off with a raise of his hand.

"Not finished Lucius. Now you are told to marry and reproduce with a woman who was a schoolmate of your late son. She is not raised in pureblood values so its new territory with you both. Lucius you need to stop trying to maintain the values you were raised with, or this will fail. With Cissy you didn't let her in but with Ms. Peverell you will need to be honest with her for this to work and you deserve some happiness." He paused, "Now you can argue with me." He smirks taking another sip of whiskey.

"I don't disagree. I miss my friend and wife and my son. They were the only reason I did what I did to betray the Dark Lord and try to end the war."

"Then what is stopping you from opening... ah you don't want to air the dirty laundry of your past."

"You know very well I am not a good person Severus, and she will despise me if I tell her everything."

"No Lucius she won't. You forget who her biological father is, and I don't think she will be shocked because of everything she knows that happened to her mother to have her conceived." He pauses and looks at me, "You don't want to tell her about your involvement, do you?"

"You know I can't Severus."

"You didn't do anything wrong Lucius quite the opposite actually."

"I cannot tell her a thing because I don't have all the answers, and she will despise me if I tell her what I know and what I have done."

"I think you're wrong my friend," Severus stands as he says this. "What happened to her mother was awful, but you didn't commit that atrocity. Be honest with her especially around her mother and your past as a death eater. She already struggles because of Sirius and his idiotic approach to his god children. Don't make it worse for her by hiding and keeping secrets."

"I know. She is so shy and tries to go unnoticed. Now she is thrusted into spotlight by this law, the publicity of the war and Skeeter's ridiculous stories!" I groan pouring us both more drinks.

"You underestimate her. I have taught her and her blasted friends for years. She is a spitfire and has the temper to match. She only hides herself because she was taught she was never enough until she was taken in by Andromeda and then Lupin unofficially adopted her when he taught 3rd year. I am not Potter's biggest fan or of his insufferable friends, but she is a smart and powerful witch. You are well suited, and you deserve a second chance. Don't be like your father old friend." Severus down his drink and walks to the fireplace to floo back to Hogwarts.

I stare at the fireplace thinking of what he said. Can I be anything different then what I was raised to be? I was not a bad father I think, I spoiled Draco and tried to keep him safe from the Dark Lord. But I don't think I could be fully honest with Amelia about everything in my past because its not all good. Maybe I can start with friendship like she said earlier. The opera is coming up and we need to be at our most confident so maybe I could help her find that confidence. She is a powerful witch like Severus said that much is visible. She will always be in the limelight based on who she is and our inevitable marriage, I don't want her to be so nervous and meek all the time. I have seen some of that spark when she and I were arguing and if she could hold onto that she could be a powerful lady Malfoy.

I smirk at the thought of her standing up to people and what that could look like. May Merlin have mercy on their souls if they face her wrath.

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