Rain- 18

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The dark, grey-blue sky above warned of a coming storm, painting the rest of the park with a dismal grey color that reflected the mood perfectly. Watching as the cool winds plucked autumn leaves from their branches and littered them across the field, Kenna forced her voice to obey as she spoke. 

"My parents had always wanted to live in the Forbidden Cities. I was only four when their dream came true, and they were able to successfully sneak out." A sad smile crept across her features. "They even started a business: 'Coffee and Books'. A coffee shoppe and a library in one. It was really cool---Lost Cities themed. When I turned seven, I'd even started to help out a bit." 

Smile fading, she continued. "It was my favorite place. I'd even befriended some of the regulars, and made a couple recipes of my own. Pancakes were my favorite food back then, and yogurt. Combine 'em in the right way and..." Her blue eyes glossed over with tears, and Sophie wondered if she should interrupt and talk about something else. The memory pained Kenna, and because of that, it pained Sophie, too. She didn't need to be an empath to understand what it was like to remember a family, a home, you could never return to. 

However, when Sophie noticed the sweet smile hinting at the corner of her lips, she remembered Evander's words, telling her that it helped to talk about the things she missed. It'd helped her, and it might help Kenna, too. 

"My dad died when I was seven. I guess it was a car crash? Things went downhill from there. I won't go too far into detail, but my mom struggled to keep the business running, and it was shut down by my ninth birthday. We were out of money, lost our only home, and spent our days on the streets. By that point, the council had tracked us down and, I guess, sent emissarries to bring us back. My mom got caught, and I'm pretty sure she's in Exile, now." 

While it was a given that she was parentless, otherwise she wouldn't be with the Renegades, Sophie felt worse knowing how it had happened. "I'm so sorry. That's... rough." 

"Don't be sorry," Kenna said. "My mom sacrificed her freedom to save me, and it's not like she's dead or anything. I'll save her. One day." Her gaze turned determined as she looked off into the distance, a confident smile replacing the sadness. "I would've done it by now, if I weren't..." Tears welled, spilling over as she stared at her trembling hands before her. Pulling them into fists, she cursed. "I'm so weak. I joined the Renegades looking for help... but I couldn't--- I didn't know how to ask. Now, it's been seven years and I'm still here. And she's still..." 

Sophie looked at Kenna's hands, shaking with suppressed emotions. That reminded Sophie... did she know what Kenna's ability was? Did she know what anyone's abilities were? Kenna was crying again, still a strange sight. And it was the second time. Sophie took Kenna's hands in hers, squeezing them as tears stung her own eyes as she remembered her parents, both the Ruewens and the Fosters. She'd felt the very same way when the Neverseen had kidnapped her human parents. 

"We'll save her," Sophie promised. "I'll help you. Whatever you need. Before December." 

She didn't dare name a sooner date, already feeling nauseous knowing a promise was a promise. And this one was far too big for her to guarantee, but back when her parents had been taken, she'd have done everything to get them back. She was sure Kenna felt the same way, so they'd do it together. 

"You don't have to do that," Kenna said. "You need to focus on clearing your name."

"If that's how it's gonna be," Sophie said, "Then, I'll help you rescue your mother. If I do that, you'll help me prove my innocence. Deal?"  

Wiping her tears, Kenna's frown disappeared. Offering her pinky finger, she nodded. "Deal." 

Sophie took it, and it was settled. She'd help Kenna rescue her mother before December 1st. In return, her name would be cleared and Sophie would be free to return home. Her friends would apologize, and the Ruewens would love her again. 

 A drop of cold liquid hit the palm of Sophie's hand, and she looked up to find several more drops falling from the dark clouds above. Hitting her face, the cool water tickled her face as it slipped past her cheeks and splashed atop her lap. 

"It's raining," Kenna noted, cupping her hands to catch the falling droplets. Her eyes lit up as the water pooled together in her palms, before she let it leak into the grass below. 

Sophie felt a small sense of satisfaction seep into her heart as the rain fell upon her skin, and she extended her arms to feel more. The Lost Cities were amazing, but she found that they lacked one of the best things that the rest of the world had: rain. Flashbacks of rainy nights in, hot chocolate and a movie shared with her family came with the rain. 

Thunder rolled overhead, wind swept the leaves, and the rain sprinkled down on Sophie and Kenn, neither girls feeling the need to rush for cover. In the distance, tiny voices could be heard just over the thunder, calling Kenna and Sophie's names. It was Koen, they realized. Rajni was still upset with Kenna. 

"Watermelon!" Koen proudly handed the heavy fruit of to Kenna, his smile brightening the dismal park around him. "Not only is it an easy still, but it's hydrating and filling!" 

"I helped, too!" Rajni pouted, and Koen smirked. 

"Yes, because watching me carry this heavy thing is very helpful." 

"Thank you." 

Kenna snickered, earning another scowl from Rajni. Koen and Sophie shared smiles as the two eyed each other for a moment longer, before they moved on. 

"How are we supposed to cut this thing?" Kenna asked, spinning the melon around in hopes of finding at least one opening. "You guys didn't grab a knife?" 

"You didn't mention a knife," Koen said, taking it back. 

"Well, how else would we eat this thing, Idiot?" 

"Koen," Rajni said, "would you please tell Kenna---" 

"I get it!" Kenna said. "Language! Now would you plea---"

A loud splat! cut Kenna off, and everyone looked at Koen, who's arms were extended and the melon was missing from his hands. Turning over their shoulders, they found the watermelon split in two, red spilling out. 

"Can I say 'idiot' now?" Kenna grumbled, marching towards the fruit. Rajni followed close behind, and Koen followed Sophie. 

Laying in the dewy grass was the watermelon, red juice splattered across the lawn and chunks of red spilling from the green rind. While Koen excused it as "still edible", Kenna and Sophie worked to gather the chunks back into the rind bowl. Rajni appeared to be lost in thought, dazed by the rain as it began to fall harder. 

The watermelon chunks squelched in Sophie's hands, and she cringed with each funny noise. The rain wasn't making it any easier, or any less gross. Were they seriously going to eat this now? Sophie watched the group, remembering how, not too long ago, they'd worked so hard to make her happy. They couldn't eat this, she decided, shaking the red juice from her hands. She stood up. 

"Where're you going?" Koen asked.

"To fix this," she said, walking off in the direction of the park exit. "I'll be back with some real food." 

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