Chapter Forty Three.

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[⚠T/W: upsetting scenes, anxiety and mentions of blood]


When she was just a girl, she expected the world...

But it flew away from her reach..So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of..Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise!Every time she closed her eyes!


Life goes on, it gets so heavy...

The wheel breaks the butterfly, every tear a waterfall..In the night, the stormy night, she'd close her eyes....
In the night, the stormy night, away she'd fly!



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"COCO," I felt my eyes flutter open, the feeling of someone shaking me awake settled in. 

"Hmm..." I frowned, shutting me eyes again when the sunlight blinded me. 

"Coco, hey...wake up," My brother's voice becomes clear to me. He held my face with one hand, the other supporting my body. "C'mon, Ro, you're bleeding too much, please don't fall asleep again!" He pleaded.

I sighed heavily, feeling drained of energy. I opened my eyes again, this time slowly. "Where are we?" I mumbled out in a low whisper.

"I'm...not sure. The fuel tank is empty," John B replies, as he brushes my hair back. "Fuck, we should be taking you to a hospital, Rory. This wound is too big and deep!" 

I looked down at my side, the huge gaping wound was on my right side, almost 6-8 inch long as it tore from my middle down to the side, ripping the flesh taut. As I come to consciousness, the anguish that I had escaped from when the darkness had engulfed me, came back as well. The excruciating pain, the blood clotted on the open wound, staining my skin and body, my clothes as well.

"No--No, Birdie...Ward will find us there...He'll find us there," I whispered out, my vision blurred once again, the pain flooding and running through my veins.

I had to admit, it hurt too bad.

"We need answers, Bird....We need to go to Miss Lana," I added, sighing again.


"John B," I send him a look. I was pretty sure he could see how much pain I was in through my eyes, but he must also have seen my determination. "I'm okay," I whispered. 

My brother sighs, and then nods. "Okay, c'mon," He says as he jumps into the water below.

I only now notice that we were on the jet-ski, still, now in an area that resembled the marsh. The taller grassland nearby showed that the water wasn't too deep as well, as John B was just waist deep into it.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now