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Kris's POV

It has been about a week ago since everyone meet up last time. It was at the photo shoot I think. But tonight we have planned a movie night at Jan's place. I was supposed to meet with Nace before at the cafe to take a coffee and just hang a little before. So that's currently where I'm heading. I walked into the cafe and saw Nace sitting at one of the tables.

- hey man long time no see!

I walked up to him and hugged him and sat down.

- so what time are we going to Jan,s place? I haven't seen anyone saying a time.

- I don't think we have set a specific time so I'm guessing we could just go there when we feel like it.

We sat at the cafe for about an hour just talking about everything we have been doing this past week. And then we started walking to Jan's. It was not far it was like a 10 minute walk so it went pretty fast. We knocked on the door and got greeted by Nina. I was a little shocked she was already here considering that me and Nace was quite early too, but we went in and went into the living room.

We had been playing some PlayStation on his tv for a few hours and bojan and jure just got here. We all decided to order some sushi and start watching the first film and we had picked a horror movie. About halfway through there was a knock on the door so I went up and was gonna open up when I saw that Nina and Jan was cuddled up. I looked at them and saw that Nina saw me and she quickly pulled away. Strange. I went to the door to get the food and went back to the living room.

We had been watching 2 movies and it was starting to get a little late.

- we should go out to a club what do you guys say?

Did Jan just suggest going out? He never does that he has always preferred to just stay home. However everyone agreed and we went to find a club nearby.

We had been in the club for like an hour and people was starting to get drunk. Even Nina who basically never drinks so she gets drunk was quite drunk. But I'm not complaining I loved this. Everyone was just really chill and having the time of their lives. I was sitting at the bar while everyone else were dancing and I spotted Nina and Jan dancing together. It certainly didn't look like a dance you would dance with just friends. There's gotta be something that's up with them it's all so weird. First them going to the grocery store after the concert we had and took ages and both came back with a huge smile on their lips, Nina being at Jan's place so early, today in the couch they were both cuddled up until they saw that I had seen them and they had quickly pulled away, and then Jan wanting to go out all of a sudden. I really need to figure out what's going on with them.

It was getting to the early hours of the next day and we decided to head home. Everyone took an Uber except from me and Jan cause we both lived very closely to the club.

- so what's up with you and Nina you guys have been acting so weird lately?

- what, what do you mean, nothing happened. We haven't been acting weird.

He was stressing. That was very unlike him, which just proved my point that there were for sure something going on.

- oh come on man don't lie to me. You are a bad lier sober and an even worse drunk. I've seen how you two have been acting. Nina being at your place so early today, cuddled up during the movie and that very sexual dance you two had in there.

- fuck you saw that? Okey you have to promise me, you can't tell anyone understood?

I nooded. Eager to hear more.

- so me and Nina have actually been dating for a while now but in secret cause as you know bojan has that rule. And he can't find out, so that's why we had decided to keep it from everyone to not risk anything getting out.

I saw that he was really stressed about me finding out. But I also weren't too shocked I kind of had a feeling that this was it.

- no don't worry I won't tell anyone, not even Nina if you want that.

He nooded a little. We walked the rest of the way in silence. My apartment was a little earlier then Jan's so we said goodbye and I went up to my apartment. I didn't even care about shower or brushing my teeth. I just got undressed and fell asleep in literal seconds. Today was a long day.


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