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Nina's POV

it's been a few days now since me and Jan got back and he still refuses to leave me alone for even a second. But I don't really mind it, plus I'm actually starting to get better.

Jan had asked me to come with him to the studio to teach me more guitar now that I actually got one of my own. And no one is supposed to be there anyways so we were now on our way there.

It was only 5 pm but it had already started to get a little dark, since it was autumn and it gets darker earlier. But I loved autumn, it's so cozy. It's cold outside and you can sit inside and wrap yourself into a blanket and drink some tea while watching a movie. And that's what Jan had promised we would do later tonight.

We got to the studio and we walked into their practice room and set everything up, I was so excited. I sat down on one of the chairs and put the guitar in my lap and Jan sat down very closely. He started explaining some of the basic things and techniques to make playing easier. And then he showed me the rest of Katrina which we had already started on. I struggled a little on one chord and Jan stood up and went behind me. He started moving around my fingers to put them in the right spots. I could not focus on a single thing he said, all I could think about was his hands on mine.

- are you listening?

- yea, oh sorry, no I wasn't. I was a little lost in my mind, would you mind repeating?

- what was you thinking about angel?

He stared down at me with a huge smirk, he knew exactly what he was doing. I felt my whole face starting to burn.

- nothing.

He kept staring at me with an "are you sure?" Face and I was panicking to say at least. Why does he have to look at me like that? I can't handle that.

- I think it's enough practice for today. Let's go buy some snacks and we'll head back to mine and watch a movie.

I couldn't agree more to that and started to pack everything up and walk out to the car. We drove to a supermarket quite close to the studio, parked outside and went inside. We walked over to the snack aisle and started to look for something.

- so what do you want angel? You can pick whatever you want.

- what about popcorn, strawberries and chocolate, and then you decide what to to drink.

We got everything we wanted, payed and went to Jan's place. When we got inside we were greeted by Igor, Jan's cat. I loved that cat (almost more than Jan, but I'll never tell him that).

We got all snacks ready and walked into the living room and wrapped us both in one big blanket. I loved this, I could live like this forever. Of course Igor joined the cuddle party and we pressed play for the movie.

We ended up watching two movies and then we both went to bed. I wanted to read a little since it was ages ago I did last time. But Jan didn't make it easy. He moved really close and had his chest pressed up against my back and an arm around my waist. I felt his hot breath down my neck, and that was the only thing I could think about. I gave up on my reading and put my phone away and turned around. I was now face to face with Jan and he opened his eyes.

- well hello there angel.

I felt a small blush wandering its way up my face and I tried to turn my head into another direction. But Jan but his hand on my face and made sure I kept looking at him.

- don't try to hide yourself, ever.

That just made it all worse and I started to go insane. Jan pulled me even closer (if that's now possible) and I had my face pressed against his chest while he held me in his arms. I loved it here, there's no place I feel as safe as in his arms.


𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 | 𝐉𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐡Where stories live. Discover now