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Nina's POV

It has been a few months since I joined the band and it has been amazing. Just a few weeks after I joined them the band blew up worldwide, and so did joker out.

I've been really busy for these past months and joker out too, and I haven't gotten to spend very much time with them lately. I missed them so much, and especially Jan. We haven't even spoken for 5 days except from a few texts here and there. To be honest I'm not sure how all of this with us will be able to work out. We had decided to move everything with wedding and stuff until we are not too busy anymore.

Today we had a concert in Belgium and it was one of the ones where Jan wasn't there to watch. He hadn't been there except from the first ones we had that were in Slovenia. Not even bojan. I'm not gonna lie it does hurt a little but I get it.

The band consisted of me that played guitar, nik who was playing drums and then Leon that played bass and also singing. So we were only three people but I loved that, it made us feel even closer to each other.

We had just landed in Belgium and we were still at the airport. When we got out of security we were met by loads of fans. I loved it, every single part of it. I know understood how the others felt when you go to another country and then people who actually know who you are. I can't even describe with words how it felt.

We got out of the airport and started heading to the arena we were playing in. It was huge place and I was extremely excited. We had been playing a few arenas before but not that many and it still felt insane every time.

We packed up all of our gear to do sound check. I felt a vibration in my pocket and I picked up my phone to see what it was.


My baby boo<3

Turn around.


I was really confused about this text but I did as he had written. There he was, he was actually here? I ran up to him and jumped into his arms while he spun us around.

- what are you doing here? Don't you guys have a concert today?

- it got canceled because Nace has become sick, so I decided to come here and see you since it was ages ago since I got to see you live!

My happiness was overflowing, and I was now even more excited about this than I was before. We started to do our sound check and Jan was down by the barricade and hyped us up. I had missed him so much.

It was a few hours later and the arena was now filled with people. We did our little scream and went up on stage. The crowd was truly amazing and I had the best time of my life, and especially because of the little surprise visit by Jan.

After the concert they had decided to go out but I really wanted to spend some time with Jan while I could, since it doesn't happen very often anymore.

We walked to a grocery shop, bought some snacks and went to my hotel room. We had decided that we were gonna have a little movie night and then go to sleep. Cause Jan had to leave quite early tomorrow to go back to Slovenia for an interview. Right when we were about to start the movie I got a call from nik, I answered and put it in speaker and hoped he would be quick.

- Nina, I have something very exciting to tell you.

- what's up?

- I just got a call from our manger, WE ARE GOING TO AMERICA!

- what, no, you're lying!

- no I'm not! We have a little mini tour there in about 1 month!

I couldn't believe it. We are going to America, USA? The second we hung up Jan pulled me into a tight hug and started to congratulate me. I was really excited about this, but celebrating will have to wait. Now I wanna spend time with Jan.

I haven't seen Jan or any of the boys for a little over a month now, and honestly not talking very much either. But my band were now on the airport on our way to fly to USA. Our first America tour, it's insane.

I really wished that Jan would be able to come to at least one show but he had other things to do. My band mates seemed to notice something was wrong, but I think they knew why. But they did everything they could to cheer me up, I really love them.

It was a long as flight and we had finally landed in USA after many hours in the air. I had sent Jan a messenger before we left but I saw he had only read the message but no answer. And it honestly broke my heart. Did he not care?

We got to our hotel and it was pretty late and tomorrow we had our first concert. I got ready to go to bed, tomorrow is the big day.

We had a few minutes before we were going on stage and I saw I had gotten a message from Jan. I got really excited and thought he would wish me good luck.


My baby boo<3

I'm sorry that I'm doing this over text, but I don't think that we will work out any longer. Sorry.

What, why? Don't do this to me Jan. Please.


I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, Jan had just dumped me, over text. I tried to call him but it looks like he had blocked me.

- come on Nina we need to go on stage, omg what's going on are you okey.

Leon had just walked into the room to come get me and walked over and sat down in front of me.

- Jan dumped me.

- oh I'm so sorry, are you okey? Do you wanna cancel the show and go home?

- no, no I can't do that to our fans. Let's get up there.

We walked onto the stage, got our instruments and started playing. I was so mad at Jan for him doing what he did, and also heart broken. And I used all that rage into energy for the gig. And it turned out to be one of our best.

When we got off the stage I called bojan the first thing I did.

- hey Nina what's up? How did the gig go?

- well Jan dumped me over text a few minutes before going on stage, so I didn't really get to enjoy it to the fullest if you say so.

- he did what? I'm gonna kill him.

- don't worry about it, he's not worth it. But you could tell him "fuck you" from me cause I didn't have the chance before he blocked me.

- he's such a dick, is there anything else I could do?

- no it's fine.

We talked for a little bit before hanging up. I had gotten a text from Jan after a little bit and I'm guessing that bojan had already talked to him.

He didn't really say much more then something like " I'm sorry I did over text, but it's just we're never able to see or talk so each other anymore, and I can't live like that".

Maybe I should just have done what bojan had said from the very beginning. Do not date his band members.



So this is a quite long chapter and it's also the last. It has been really fun doing this and I'll most likely start another one soon, I was thinking about a one shot thing so if y'all have any ideas please let me know! And thank you all for reading this one love ya<3

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