Chapter 13- I know

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Luke's pov:

She tried to readjust herself to the light, "Er yeah sure. Do you want to come in?" She asked opening the door wider.

I shook my head, "Can we take a walk?" I asked.

She nodded, "Sure just let me put some shoes on." She disappeared into the hotel room for a few seconds and then came back and closed the door.

As we walked through the corridors and down the stairs I said, "Well done on winning that labour exploitation thing by the way." I smiled, "We are all very proud of you. We will have to get some drinks to celebrate at some point... maybe not with Han though." We all knew what he was like drunk.

She nodded, "Thank you." And we slipped into silence as we walked through the quiet streets of Coruscant. At night Coruscant was stunning and far less noisy.

We walked along a river and then we reached a bridge. I sat on the ledge and Leia joined, "So what do you want to talk about?" She asked, "I know you didn't just bring me all the way out here to talk about my conference."

I shook my head. Was this really this best thing to do? I could just not tell her and everything would be fine. But would it though? It had already taken its toll on me and Han clearly want coping. Lying to Leia felt awful.

"I... I have been sleeping with Han." I blurted out looking down at the river.

She sighed, "I know."

I looked up at her and she kept her gaze on the flow of the river, "You know? You're not angry?" I asked. Her face didn't seem to change, she didn't look angry, she looked... content?

"Oh no I am very angry." She turned to me, "I am contemplating pushing you off this bridge right now Luke Skywalker." She said my full name, now I was in trouble.

"What's stopping you?" I asked my feet gently kicking the water bellow. She contemplated pushing me while I am contemplating jumping. Funny how two great minds think alike.

"Because your my brother." She began, "And I don't think I loved Han all that much anyway." She sighed.

"What?" To say I was confused was an understatement, "What do you mean you don't love Han?" I asked her as she stared up at the moons high up in the sky.

"I felt obliged to love him. Everyone was saying it was happen and I guess I felt like I had to. I think Han felt that way to. We were together for the pretty picture not the actual love." She sadly smiled, "How long has it been going on?" She asked.

"Since the engagement party." I confessed.

"Whoah Luke..." she laughed and smiled, "Sleeping with me fiancé on our engagement party? You really are something." She giggled. "No I'm all seriousness I did think that."

"Really?" I questioned.

She nodded, "Of course I did, I could practically smell it on the both of you. You could cut that tension with a knife and don't think you were slick at the dinner party." She smirked.

Oh shit.

"That was all Han not me." I deflected. Then I re-realised how serious this conversation was again, "I'm really sorry Leia." I met her gaze.

"I feel betrayed Luke, I won't deny that. I feel hurt that you would do something like that even though I know it wasn't you trying to hurt me . You love Han far more than me and Han makes you much happier than he makes me." She smiled weakly. "But if he try's anything you let me know right away. Okay?" She warned.

"Okay." I smiled. No matter how angry Leia was she made sure that she always put me first, if made me feel awful but was also oddly comforting. "What are you going to do about the wedding?" I asked.

"Well... it's already paid for." She contemplated. "A lot of the guests aren't flying out until tomorrow morning so I will just tell them it's cancelled. However..." she gave me a cheeky grin, "We still have the reception with all the food and cake... to ourselves." She raised her eyebrows.

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?" I smiled leaning in a bit.

"We just party instead? Of course, it's my celebration for being so amazing and not pushing you off this bridge." She laughed and I joined in with her.

"You can if you want." I shrugged. Suddenly an idea sprung to kind, "It could be a celebration for your victory in the labour exploitation case!" I suggested.

She grinned, "Yes! Also we may have to adjust the cake a bit." She laughed.

I nodded. "Your also going to have to talk to Han tomorrow." I said.

She sighed, "I know."

835 words

I was very tired writing that so I apologise if it's shit.

I will write the last chapter tomorrow I promise :)

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