Makoto Yuki

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Character: Makoto Yuki
Franchise: Persona
Bio: Makoto is an orphaned boy with the potential to wield a Persona. Makoto travels to Tatsumi Port Island at the start of 2009 and is a transfer student of Gekkoukan High. After experiencing the Dark Hour, an additional hour at midnight only those with Persona potential can experience, and summoning his Persona, Orpheus, he joins the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, or S.E.E.S. for short, in order to destroy Shadows and the Dark Hour within Tartarus.

Height: Slightly shorter than Joker
Weight: 100
Jumps: 2

Additional Movement Options
Crawl: No
Wall jump: No
Wall cling: No
Wall slide: No

Gimmick: Death's Call
When Makoto is at 85% or more, or takes 70% of his health in Stamina matches, he fires his Evoker at his skull again as his Persona changes from Orpheus to Thanatos. This augments all of Makoto's attacks that utilize his Persona.
Gimmick: Tired
Makoto will start a match feeling Great. As he does stronger attacks, he will drop how he's feeling from Great to Good, Tired and Sick. Great has a stat multiplier of 1.5x, Good is a default 1.0x, Tired is a 0.8x stat multiplier, and Sick is a 0.75x multiplier, plus he slowly takes damage over time. By using weaker attacks, or by not fighting, Makoto will slowly feel better.

Basic Attacks
Jab Combo: Makoto stabs his sword forwards, then spins in a circle, then jumps a little and slashes downwards. Based on his critical hit animation from Persona 3.
Dash Attack: Makoto quickly thrusts his sword forwards as he does a small slide. Based on his overworld attack animation.
Get-up Attack: Slashes his sword around him.
Ledge: Strikes his sword in a stabbing motion.

NAir: Swings the sword around himself twice.
UpAir: Stabs the sword straight upwards.
FAir: Swings the sword in front, across his body.
BAir: Backhands the sword and stabs.
DAir: Stabs straight downwards with the sword.

Grab: Grabs ahold of the foe with his left hand.
Pummel: Knees the opponent in the stomach.
Forward Throw: Throws the opponent straight forwards.
Up Throw: Throws the opponent overhead, then stabs them.
Back Throw: Trips the foe over his leg, tossing them backwards.
Down Throw: Trips the foe over his leg, kicking them back down in the process.

Tilt Attacks
Up Tilt: Stabs his sword straight upwards.
Forward Tilt: Swings his sword in front of himself from high to low across his body, then swings it back from low to high whilst stepping forward with each swing. Based on his out of battle attack in Persona 3 Reload.
Down Tilt: Swings his sword in front of himself, low to the ground.

Smash Attacks
Full charge for all three Smash Attacks will give him super armor and drop his Tiredness by one stage.
Up Smash: He performs a powerful slash from low to high, swinging the blade until it goes straight up.
Forward Smash: Swings his sword and body in a circle, with in front of him being where the attack is.
Down Smash: Swings his sword on both sides of himself, scraping the floor with each hit.

Special Moves
Neutral Special: Agi / Agilao / Agidyne
Makoto holds his Evoker to his head for as long as the button is held down. When released, he shoots himself as Orpheus appears, strumming his lyre. With no charge, Agi will be used and fire a flaming ball. With one second of use, Agilao will be used a fire a larger and faster flaming ball. With three seconds of charge, Agidyne will be used, which shoots forwards a flaming beam. Using Agilao will drop Makoto's Tiredness by one stage, and using Agidyne will drop it by two stages.
Side Special: Bash
Makoto summons Orpheus as he slams his lyre from high to low. This attack buries at high damage numbers. If used repeatedly, Makoto will drop Tiredness by one stage.
Up Special: Power Slash
Makoto summons Orpheus and performs a quick uppercut with his sword. Orpheus will also glide upwards, slashing with his arm. Makoto is able to grab onto the ledge if Orpheus could. If it hits a foe, he drags the opponent with him and performs a second slash at his peak. The distance this move travels is determined by how tired he is.
Down Special: Cadenza
Orpheus appears and heals Makoto for 8%. For the next 7 seconds, Makoto's movement speed is increased by 1.5x. After the speed buff runs out, it can not be used for another 23 seconds. This also increases Makoto's Tiredness by one stage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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