Spring Man

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Character: Spring Man
Franchise: ARMS
Bio: Spring Man is a young ARMS athlete who trains at Spring Gym. For many years, Spring Man has dreamed of defeating and becoming champion of the ARMS . His favorite food is pizza, and he is often seen eating it in official art. Spring Man has a confident and enthusiastic personality. He takes a particular pride in his spring-like, pompadour hairstyle. (Taken from ARMS Wiki)

Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 104
Jumps: 2

Additional Movement Options
Crawl: No
Wall jump: No
Wall cling: No
Wall slide: No

Gimmick: Much like Min Min, the A button uses the left ARM and the B button uses the right ARM. The left ARM is the Toaster by default and the right ARM uses the Hydra by default. The Toaster will automatically bend towards opponents if there is no vertical input. The Boomerang acts very similarly to Min Min's Ramram, and is faster yet weaker. The Tribolt shoots off three rockets at random angles with small explosions, and is the slowest ARM. Throwing an opponent increases the Toaster's size and damage. Both ARMS can be used at the same time and be bent, along with being able to move whilst using them on the ground or in the air.

Basic Attacks
Jab Combo: Spring Man will strike with his left elbow, then jab with his knee, and finally bash with his head. Holding down Jab will instead shoot his left ARM straight out.
Rapid Jab: No rapid jab.
Dash Attack: Spring Man lunges with a shoulder bash.
Get-up Attack: Spring Man spins and gets up with his Toasters.
Ledge: Spring Man flips forwards.

NAir: Spins his left Toaster in a circle.
UpAir: Swings his head in an upwards arc.
FAir: Shoots his left Toaster forwards.
BAir: Shoots his left Toaster backwards.
DAir: Flips forwards and performs a diving scissor kick.

Grab: Reaches out with his ARMS and drags the opponent inwards.
Pummel: Jabs the opponent with his knee.
Forward Throw: Punches the opponent with his left and right ARMS.
Up Throw: Performs an extendable uppercut with his left ARM.
Back Throw: Spins the opponent behind himself.
Down Throw: Throws the opponent straight downwards as they bounce away.

Tilt Attacks
Up Tilt: Spring Man flips backwards and kicks twice.
Forward Tilt: Shoots his left Toaster forwards. Can be used in the air.
Down Tilt: Spring man performs a sliding kick.

Smash Attacks
Up Smash: Backflips and bounces on his ARMS. Can reflect projectiles.
Forward Smash: Shoots his left Toaster forwards. Can be used in the air.
Down Smash: Spins around in a circle, dragging his ARMS on the ground.

Special Moves
Neutral Special: Punch
If held, his will make Spring Man punch forwards with his right ARM. If in the air, he performs his Neutral Air with his selected right ARM. If tapped, this performs his neutral attack.
Side Special: Punch
Spring Man punches with his right ARM. He can also tilt and smash this attack. Can be used forwards or backwards, and can be used in the air.
Up Special: ARMS Jump/ARMS Hook
Spring Man will jump up with his ARMS. He has invincibility during the start of the move. If in the air, he'll use ARMS Hook, which acts as a tether much like Joker, Byleth or Min Min.
Down Special: ARMS Change
This makes Spring Man change his right ARM from Toaster, to Boomerang, to Tribolt.

It acts exactly the same as Min Min's, but Spring Man is replaced with Min Min in the cinematic. He then launches off rockets from his Tribolt.

Entrance: Spring Man bounces onto his Toaster from the background, then stands.
Stand: He has his left arm ready and poised for battle, with his right arm raised up above his head.
Idle 1: Spring Man plays with the spring on his head.
Idle 2: Spring Man quickly flexes.
Up Taunt: He pumps a fist into the air, exclaiming "Yeah!"
Side Taunt: He jumps up and down, moving his ARMS with him.
Down Taunt: He flips backwards before stumbling a little.
Walk: He makes short steps, keeping his fists up.
Run: He rushes with his ARMS trailing behind him.
Short Hop: He jumps with one leg.
Jump: He extends his arms out a bit.
Double Jump: He swings just arms into a straight outward state.
Backflip: He leaves his legs trailing in the dust.
Crouch: He places his arms and ARMS on the ground, down on one knee.
Shield: Crosses his arms over his body.
Parry: Flexes outwards as seen in some official artwork.
Spotdodge: Swings his arms out rapidly.
Forward Roll: Springs forwards off his body.
Back Roll: Skids backwards with his ARMS against the ground.
Airdodge: Twists to keep his ARMS in protection.
Ledge Hang: Holds on with his left Toaster, slowly kicking upwards.
Ledge Roll: Rolls on his side.
Dizzy: Hangs his ARMS to the ground and rocks back and forth.
Sleep: Uses his left Toaster as a pillow.
Swimming: Kicks furiously as his ARMS weigh him down.
Flailing: Kicks and attempts to breathe.
Drowning: Collapses with his ARMS dragging him down.
Balancing: Holds his ARMS towards the stage and tries not to fall over.
Buried Up: Crosses ARMS over each other in an X formation.
Buried Down: Legs are scrunched in like he's a ball.
Star KO: Spins around and flails, screaming.
Screen KO: ARMS bend as he holds on with his legs sprawled.
Stamina KO: Drops onto his knees, then his face.
No Contest: Claps with his Toasters.
Item Hold: Holds it with his left Toaster, balancing it if he stands still.
Homerun Bat: Puts his ARMS together and swings with might.
Hammer: Grips the hammer with both ARMS and swings back and forth.
Superspicy Curry: Holds face with ARMS and jumps around on both legs.
Special Flag: Goes into a pose where he pumps his right ARM and raises his left into the air.
Present: Leans head back and holds the present right at the bottom.
Focus Punch: Collapses onto his face with his ARMS dangling about.*
Eiha/Eigaon: Gives an angry look and struggles to keep one eye open.
Final Smash Reaction: Opens mouth and eyes widely in shock.

1) Blue and red
2) Green, gold and dark blue
3) Red, yellow and black
4) Turquoise and cyan
5) White and purple, based on Master Mummy
6) Gold and brown, based on Max Brass
7) Red, silver and black, based on Springtron
8) Pink and yellow, based on Ribbon Girl

Theme: ARMS Main Theme (+ Ribbon Ring vocals)
Up: Pumps his ARMS into the air. He wears his Toaster on his right arm.
Side: He flips backwards on his ARMS and pumps his fist, saying "Bada bing!". He wears the Hydra on his right arm.
Down: Launches himself upwards with his left ARM, then poses in the air with a fist bump whilst saying "Boi-yoi-yoing, yeah!". He wears the Tribolt on his right arm.

Boxing Ring: The Bouncer
Series Icon:

OtherBoxing Ring: The BouncerSeries Icon:

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Stage: Ramen Bowl

Much like Min Min getting Spring Stadium, Spring Man gets Ramen Bowl

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Much like Min Min getting Spring Stadium, Spring Man gets Ramen Bowl. The stage floats above an abyss and looks straight. The floor can then open up to let players go down and into the floor, where the camera can only reach them in Angled Special Smash. Players are able to hide in the bowl, but will have a light outline around them so all players can see them hiding. Hazards on makes drones fly across the stage and drop items. There is also some guard railing on the edges of the stage.

Kirby Hat: Spring Man's hair. Kirby can now use Punch.
Classic Mode: Boi-Yoi-Yoing!
Spring Man's route is all about very bouncy and spring-like characters.
Stage One
Fighters: Sonic
Stage: Windy Hill Zone
Music: Spring Stadium
Stage Two
Fighters: Jigglypuff, Kirby
Stage: Magicant
Music: Sky Arena
Stage Three
Fighters: PAC-MAN
Music: Sparring Ring
Bonus Game
Stage Four
Fighters: Greninja, Inkling
Stage: Kalos Pokemon Stadium
Music: Snake Park
Stage Five
Fighters: Mii Brawler (Ninjara)
Music: Ninja College
Stage Six
Fighters: Min Min
Music: Spring Stadium
Stage: Ramen Bowl
Boss: Master Hand (Crazy Hand at higher difficulties)
Music: Sparring Ring

Music List
(No new tracks)

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