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Character: Scout
Franchise: Team Fortress
Bio: Jeremy 'Scout' is the youngest of eight kids and lives in Boston, Massachusetts. In order to escape the wrath of his brothers, he's had to learn how to outrun everyone. Along the way, he's also learned how to jump in midair. He carries a scattergun, pistol and bat on the battlefield of Redmond Mann and Blutarch Mann.

Height: 177cm
Weight: 86
Jumps: 3

Additional Movement Options
Crawl: Yes
Wall jump: Yes
Wall cling: No
Wall slide: No

Gimmick: Dealing damage increases the HYPE meter next to Scout's damage. This caps out at 150%. See: Up Special
Gimmick: Scout can randomly crit with any of his moves. It has a 5% chance of happening, but taking more damage or being losing in stocks increases those chances. This only increases the damage and knockback of his moves, and does not zoom in like Hero. Any crits are indicated by a Critical Hit! icon appearing over the enemy character's head for just a few seconds.
Audio Gimmick: Scout has a chance to say 'BONK' when he connects a hit with his bat.

Basic Attacks
Jab Combo: Scout swings his bat from right to left, then left to right, then finally overhead.
Rapid Jab: Scout whips out his pistol and fires it. He can only shoot this twelve times before the attack's hitbox is negligible, like Inkling's rapid jab.
Dash Attack: Scout dashes forwards, clotheslining foes with his bat.
Get-up Attack: Scout swings his bat around.
Ledge: Gets up on his knee and swings his bat forwards.

NAir: Scout spins the Boston Basher around himself. If he hits no-one, he takes 5% recoil damage.
UpAir: Swings the Wrap Assassin upwards, throwing a bauble straight upwards. It acts as a small projectile.
FAir: Swings his bat from high to low, rearing his legs and arms from back to front.
BAir: Fires a powerful blast from the Baby Face's Blaster.
DAir: Swings the Sun-on-a-Stick below him. Inflicts fire damage.

Grab: Scout grabs his opponent by their shirt collar.
Pummel: He whacks the opponent in their side with his bat.
Forward Throw: Scout roughly pushes his foes away before firing at them with a pistol.
Up Throw: Picks up the foe with the Fan O' War, tossing them into the sky.
Back Throw: Sprints behind the opponent, then fires powerful pellets into their back from the scattergun.
Down Throw: Scout chokes the opponent out with his bat around their neck. Acts similarly to Snake's Down Throw.

Tilt Attacks
Up Tilt: Scout performs a quick backflip, kicking towards the sky.
Forward Tilt: Scout throws The Flying Guillotine forwards. It drops rather quickly.
Down Tilt: Scout swings his bat downwards.

Smash Attacks
Up Smash: Scout swings his bat up overhead his body, making a loud 'WOO!'
Forward Smash: Scout swings his bat forcefully forwards, much like his 'Homerun' taunt.
Down Smash: He breakdance kicks with his legs straight out.

Special Moves
Neutral Special: Sandman
Scout swings his bat forwards, knocking a ball out of his grasp. Both the bat and ball have separate hitboxes. The ball acts like K. Rool's crown, where the player needs to pick up the ball again before being able to use it.
Side Special: Scattergun
Scout fires his scattergun straight forwards. Ten pellets are fired in random forwards facing directions, covering up to half of Final Destination. Each pellet does basically no damage or knockback, but you deal a hefty amount of damage and knockback if you are up and close to your target. You are able to continuously move forwards and backwards with this attack, and do not turn around if firing whilst walking backwards.
Up Special: Hype Jumps
Activating this makes Scout glow with a purple aura. Scout now has up to five extra jumps until the bar runs out. Every 20% of the meter counts as one extra midair jump. Once activated, it can't be turned off, and it stays activated for up to eight seconds, with the first 80% adding two seconds of usage every 20%.
Down Special: Mad Milk
Throwing the milk causes a small explosion a small distance away from Scout. If an enemy is caught in the explosion, they're covered in milk. 30% of the damage they take will now heal Scout that much for up to five seconds. Then, Scout must wait for the milk to recharge for twenty seconds before being able to throw it again.

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