D3 29: Oh No! NOT AGAIN!!

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Ben and Rachel addressed the guard that was posted at his office entrance

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Ben and Rachel addressed the guard that was posted at his office entrance. “Find out if anyone’s seen Audrey! And find out if she have a list of demands.”

“Just one.” Audrey appeared in Ben’s office and startled both of them. “I demand my life back. I have a proposition. We’ll wake everybody up right now, under one itty-bitty condition Benny Boo. Make me your queen and we’ll rule Auradon side by side.” Audrey said, sweetly with a hand on Ben's cheek. 

Audrey caressed Ben’s face. He grabbed her hand. “Did someone put a spell on you? Just tell me who and I’ll—”

That made Audrey very furious. "You'll what? Marry them?" Audrey evil chuckled. "Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough. I wasn't bad enough. How do you like me now, Benny-boo?" Audrey giggled and twirled around. 

“I think I like the old Audrey better. Just... give me the scepter and we can forget the whole thing, I’ll forgive you.” Ben said. 

That made Audrey really furious and she took the scepter in right hand and pointed her left hand towards Ben looking really mad. "You'll forgive her? I don't think so. Sleeping is too good for you." Audrey hits Ben with the scepter on his head and he lets out a growl before falling on the floor unconscious. "Ben!" Rachel screeched but Audrey stopped her. "Sleeping is too good for Auradon." Audrey sighs to calm down before laughing with Audrey as people including Fairy Godmother are turned to stone. 

Audrey then turns to Rachel who was a bit  frightened and hits the desk beside her. "Now, you. You're coming with me." Audrey said and hits her with scepter but Rachel's eyes turned to a blue color. Audrey took her and disappeared into a pink smoke. 


Mal had gotten the ember and the VKs were walking back to the barrier. Jay pressed the remote to let it down. As they walked through, Mal used the ember to make sure the old hag curse was truly gone. As she did, her purple hair now had blue streaks.

“Whoa M, you got a little Hades going on.” Evie said. 

“Yeah, this thing packs a punch, huh?”
The VKs didn’t notice Harry and Gil jumping through the small hole before the barrier fully closed up, until it was too late.

“Hey, guys,” Harry said turning to the group. “We just came for… a wee visit.”

Jay and Carlos pushed them back when they tried to walk past. This made Harry and Gil shove back, resulting in Carlos hitting Mal and knocking the ember out of her hand. Mal scrambled to grab it but it fell off the bridge. They all watched as the ember fell, only to be caught by a tentacle that shot out of the water.

"Drop something?" Uma asks, smirking. 

“Uma?!” Gil and Harry questioned as they watched the young sea witch emerge. 

"That's my name." Uma said, smiling. 

“Uma, I can’t get that wet! Give it back before it goes out!”

Uma smiled mischievously. She clutched the ember tight before disappearing under the water. A jet stream of water shot up into the sky as Uma landed on the bridge, in human form.

“Welcome back!” Harry greeted Uma.

“Yeah. Planning revenge, no doubt,” Mal said, watching the pirates interact.

“It’s not all about you, Mal. I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out. And you know what I found, boys? It’s way better out there than we thought. There’s this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut. And fish so big you could dance on their backs. And they’ve been keeping it all for themselves.” Uma said, acting upset. 

“Whatever. Uma, I need that back to break a curse.” Mal held out her hand for the ember.

“Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty’s daughter,” Carlos chimed in.

“Hmm. So the good guy’s the bad guy? Well in that case, I might not give it back. See what happens.”

“Uma. It’s not the time for games! People’s lives are in danger!” Mal exclaimed. 

Uma walked towards the edge of the bridge. “Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants off this Isle, gets to leave.”

“I can’t do that.”

Uma was dangling the ember over the water. "Well, how about now?!" 

"Deal! Deal." Mal screeched. 

"Uma, Her word is good,” Evie stood up for Mal.

“I’ll still keep this for the time being though. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates!”
Jay grabbed a pissed off Mal’s shoulder. “We can always go back to hating each other when this is over.”

“Here’s a thought. We could try to get along.” They all turned to look at Evie. “Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences. Yeah?” Evie pulled a little pouch from her sleeve. “Who wants gum?”

"Let's go." Uma took a step but Mal female selfish about herself and stubborn she stepped in and said. "Ah... No. I'm in charge. Let's go." The Pirate's crew followed the VKs and Celia to Auradon. 

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