788 13 66

Word Count: 969 (so short boohoo)

Back at it again with another youtube video make sure to smash like and hit subscribe or whatever the fuck!!1!


Fine lines.

There were fine lines between a friendship, and more than.

But when it came to Nick, that line was blurred.

Isaac had always been the touchy-feely type when it came to his roommates, rather if it was a playful slap on the ass with Yumi or a gentle hug in the morning for Tanner. However, when Nick did it, it felt different. Closer.

It was like a mix of alerts rushed through his body everytime he felt Nick quickly tap his ass or pull him in for a hug after being away from each other so long, creating a thick blanket of tension every time.

He never thought this would ever happen. Isaac had always heard the stupid tropes about falling in love with your roommate, but he always identified as straight. So what was so different about Nick?

Not much, really. – He was his best friend, about 5'11 with dark brown eyes and nice black hair. He had multiple tattoos with one in particular coiled around his arm like barbed wire, which really complimented his fair skin and dark features.

He was pretty, but Isaac never thought he was that pretty. Not until recently.

Recently, he caught himself basically ogling Nick, admiring every single flaw, feature, and asset he had, Scrolling through all their old texts and conversations, as well as old pictures.

Not only did this 'crush' affect how he acted in private, but it also affected the way he acted in general, shutting himself inside of his room and only coming out at late hours of the night to get food and aimlessly wander around his new house.

It was easy for Isaac to become depressed while locked in his room, pondering about his new feelings towards Nick. What if he didn't reciprocate? What if Nick was just joking whenever he said "I love you"? Was this all just a joke to him?

After about a week of staying in his room, the group eventually tried to coax him out.

"Isaaccc!" Larry called out, a singsong-y tone to his voice as he jarred open the door, sticking his small head through it.

"What do you want, dude? This is the 8th time today." Whinged Isaac, peeking out from his bed covers to turn towards Larry.

"What? Im not aloud to say hi to one of my best friends anymore?" Grumbled Larry, inching closer inside of the room.

"No. You aren't." Isaac retorted. He could see somebody behind Larry, and by the sounds of bare feet slapping against the cold wooden tiles, he already knew who it was.

Almost on cue, Tanner walked in behind Larry as if it was just a regular occurrence to them.

"Get out of my room you fuckin' weirdos." Exasperated Isaac, throwing a pillow at an unsuspecting Tanner, causing him to dramatically collapse to the ground with a loud thud.

The thud seemed to work as a calling to the rest of the group members as they flocked into Isaacs room to all collectively annoy him at the same time.

Yumi was the third to come in, just sort of watching and making jokes, refraining from being too gay due to his girlfriend back home.

Then it was Nick.

Nick was the only one to knock, gentle peeking his head in before just walking in.

Nick made quick eye contact, but seemed to turn his head away out of what looked like embarrassment immediately after. — which was kind of weird.

"Hey, Nick." Isaac sat himself up in bed, fixing his hair so he didn't look like a mess.

"Hey." Nick chirped out, seeming to drown out Yumi and Tanners bickering as Larry egged them on.

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out with me and and the others for a vlog. It'll be fun." Nick promised, sort of staying towards the door.

It was definitely strange the way Nick had acted towards Isaac, but Isaac brushed it off as Nick feeling a little uncomfortable after not talking for so long.

"Uh.." Issac hesitated, shifting a little in his bed to look directly at the group.

"Just do it. Itll be fine, dude." Yumi assured, leaning against the wall.

Yumi was always the truculent type, so there was no point in arguing or trying to brush it off. He was doing this.

"Fine. Whatever. Give me a few minutes to get ready and Ill be out." Isasc grumbled, shooing the others out of his room so he could get changed.

He threw on a white T shirt, a cap, and that stupid mask that he hated wearing before opening the door to peek into the livingroom.

All four boys sat on the couch, talking about a random TV show that had just aired as Nick talked to the camera, starting off the vlog.

As Isaac walked into the room, the camera was almost immediately turned towards him.

"Well would you look at that. Youll never guess whos out of their cave." Teased nick, panning the camera over to Isaac before pausing the recording for a little.

"Alright, so were gonna be playing bubble ball. Sound good?" Nick asked the group, waiting for a response out of at least one of them.

"Yeah. Sounds alright." Yumi replied, heading to the car.

The others followed, ultimately deciding on taking Yumi's car because it was spacious, and could fit all 3 bubble balls along with 5 people.

They loaded up the car, and Isaac was now off on a long drive to a field with his crush.

Just great.


Chapter end!

I now realize that it wasnt writers block, I legitimately milked that story DRYYY

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