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Word count:1016



There Isaac was, bawling his eyes out on his bathroom floor as Nick tried to coax him out with false promises. It really was hopeless, however, since Issac saw no point in ever leaving from the bathroom.

The feeling of embarrassment and shame that clouded over him consumed him until he was just a piece of flesh made living too much to bare. He hated the fact that he even liked men. That he was a 'faggot'.

He was just an amalgamation of hatred, sin, and lust, being lured in by temptation. – He needed to repent.

He clutched at the small necklace that hid parents had given him to "ward off demons", and prayed. He prayed to whatever god that was up there to help him. – To save him from this disgusting excuse of a life that he was living.

Meanwhile, Nick was repetitively knocking on the door, begging for Isaac to come out. His voice went from calm and giggly to panicked and scared.

The shitty lock finally gave in after continuous pulling. It gently opened, making a slow creak with every inch. Nick stood at the door frame and peered down at Isaac. It was strange to see his usually calm friend crying and praying as if the world had ended 15 times over.

"Isaac, its really not a big deal, alright? He wont tell anybody!" Nick whisper yelled, awkwardly sitting next to the man on the floor who was violently but quietly sobbing as he clasped the charm on his necklace.

"Oh Jesus christ.." Nick mumbled to himself, positioning himself in a way that he could comfortably hold Isaac.

He put his arm around the man as if he was a life long friend. It wasn't too awkward considering Isaac was all sweaty and Nick wanted to be supportive without being all 'cheesy'.

It was surprisingly effective. Isaacs breathing slowed and he loosened his tight grip on the cross. He could feel Nicks racing heart against his ear, threatening to pump right out of his chest.

"Yknow..." Nick started, clearing his throat like he always did when he was about to go on a long tangent. "I never knew why you wore these dumb little hairnets. It makes you look like you're about to serve me lunch." He teases, managing to draw a small laugh from the latter.

"I said it on the podcast, asshole." Breathed Isaac, his words still slightly scrambled from the crying spell he was just under.

"I don't even pay attention half of the time on those podcasts. Im too busy on my phone and shit." Nick responded.

"Guess youll never know then." The latter laughed, breaking free from Nicks grasp to sleep this nightmare off.


A few hours later, Isaac awoke to constant banging against the wall. The sound urked him, and he tried to sleep it off, but to no avail.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

He turnt over, trying to muffle the sound, but it just seemed to get louder.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

Nope. That was it.

"Stop fucking banging on my wall Nick! Jesus fucking Christ!" He shouted, banging back on the wall.

"Turn your stupid fucking alarm off then! Im tired of telling you!" The latter yelled back, and the banging stopped.

"Go to hell, dickbag!" Isaac yelled again before turning the alarm off and throwing his phone to the floor.

He stared at the broken alarm clock next to him. It had stopped going off a few months ago, but he kept it in his room because it stopped the boys from yelling at him to get a new one.


"Oh, fuck me. Its Three already?" He muttered, standing to his feet and stretching until his bones snapped back into place.

Isaac sluggishly opened his room door, peeking from the frame. The sun cracked through the window at the end of the hallway, temporarily blinding him until his vision adjusted to its overwhelming rays of sunlight.

All he saw was that overgrown black hair and short stature. He felt a jolt of panic shoot through his legs and paralyze him as if he had just sat on a scorpion.

Larry stared back at him. He didn't wanna make it awkward, so he just stood there for a few seconds before walking past Isaac to get down the stairs.

It was strange having to face somebody who had walked in on you having sex. – With a boy at that. Isaacs eyes simply followed Larry down the stairs, waiting for him to exit his field of vision.

His plan was to completely ignore Larry. Not that hard right? All he had to do was not talk to one of his most obnoxious and funny friends on the planet.

He hyped himself up a little before walking down the stairs. The creak of each step only reminded him of the upcoming challenges ahead of him, but he went anyway.

He reached the bottom of the steps, and there he was, eating Isaacs leftovers.

The tupperware very clearly read "ISAACS DONT TOUCH FATASS!" in bold, neat handwriting. Isaac knew that wouldn't stop the animals of the house that he was ashamed to call 'roommates' from prying it open and digging into it like raccoons.

He just stared at Larry. He didn't want to say anything due to the slight chance that Larry might bring yesterday night up. He didn't move, hoping Larrys eyes would skip over him. – That didn't happen, of course.

"Hi." Larry smiled, stuffing his face full of Isaacs food.

"Thats my food." The latter said meekly.

"I know." He teased, wiping his mouth and turning towards Isaac.

"Could you sit down? We need to talk, dude." The shorter asked.

Damn it.


Chapter end!

This chapter is short snd kind of shitty but I was taking wayyy too long

Also would you guys want shorter chapters (1000 words or so) that would come quicker (about once a week or longer chapters (2000 words+) that would come once every two weeks? Im already making yall wait 2 weeks for some shitty chapters anyway so 😭

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