383 15 96

Word Count: 2814

Confrontations, confessions, and arguements.

Hurt/no comfort near the end

also Nick experiencing something new ahahaha......

Isaac's breathing stifled when he heard Larry call out to him. The latter stared at Isaac, flashing a warm and sweet smile after realizing his attempts to lure Isaac in had succeeded.

The five feet Isaac had to walk to reach Larry quickly felt like a mile as he dragged his Adidas slides along the tile, attempting to push the confrontation he knew he was about to face a little farther ahead. Obviously though, he was going to reach his destination and be confronted rather soon.

He pulled out the chair beside the boy and sat down, awkwardly shuffling in his seat. He wanted to pretend like he didn't know what Larry was going to talk to him about. Pretend that it would be a normal conversation about taking his laundry out of the dryer, or doing more chores around the house. – but of course, that wasn't what this confrontation would be about, and he knew that.

Feelings of dread beat against him like a rainstorm as he waited for the shorter to explain to Isaac what was going on inside his mind.

"So...I saw you and Nick last night." The boy started, his eyes locked on his fingers as he stuttered out an answer for Isaac.

"Right..." Isaac nodded. His worst fear was coming true in real time. – and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"Nick talked to me about what happened after I came in...the crying and stuff, and...I wasn't gonna tell anybody. I sort of knew already, anyways. You guys touched each other more than usual and it really-"

Before Larry could finish his thought, Isaac could feel a shadow of blinding rage fall over him for a second.

Nick told him?

"Wait, Nick...told you about the- thing I had?" Isaac cut in, turning up the volume on his voice by a decibel or two.

"The panic attack? Yeah. Was he not supposed to?" Larry asked.

Isaac could hear Larry desperately try to to defend himself as well as try to defend Nick, but he blocked it out. Why would Nick tell him?

That was such a vulnerable moment for him. He sat on the bathroom floor, blubbering as if the world would end because his half asleep friend barged in unannounced.

And he told him.

He told him like none of it mattered.

It made Isaac feel like shit, but he had to pretend he didn't care. He had to pretend that Nick didn't say anything and that everything was fine. The more he tried to pretend, however, the more he started to think: Did Nick really even care about him? It felt like the last time he did was the first time they hooked up. He was gentle and sweet, doing everything to please both of them. Now, all he cared about was himself. He never actually cared.

When he eventually snapped back into reality, he realized Larry had left. Maybe he had done a gas station run, or went to bother someone else. Maybe he might've just gone back to his room for the day. It was always a mystery with that boy.

Isaac sighed and shook his head, opening the cabinets and pulling out a bottle of whiskey. He never was a heavy drinker, nor did he really drink whiskey, but alcohol always aided in taking the edge off.

He twisted the cap off of the half-drunken pint and smelt it. It reeked of vanilla and burnt wood. Isaac's face scrunched up once it hit his nose. It was definitely an interesting smell that he hadn't smelt in months. He looked at the pint, and then the small shot glass that had been left out from Tanners drunk driving simulator stream a week ago. If he was a civilized man, he would have used the shot glass instead of taking a drink straight out of the bottle, but he was eager for relief; there was no time for amiability.

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