Writers Note - To Rest

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(This is the Check-In chapter mentioned in the past two chapters.)

Afternoon, congrats if you've somehow made it this far. This is a Rest Chapter so you may just skip this one, and that's fine. There may be spoilers here.

Essentially I'll try to provide some details of the writing process and future of this story. I'm thinking of doing this once per era but that may change in the future.

As I'm writing this, I'm well aware that I don't like other writers when they do note chapters, but I'm a hypocrite, and am starting to understand them.

So we should probably begin.

Chapter uploads will rarely be consistent, given the writer is a bit lazy.

I worry a bit that I'll get a bit older and begin to hate this piece, but that's probably just a natural progression. Perhaps if I become better, one day Luther will have a full on-shelf book, it would probably have some significant changes though. Or perhaps technology will have evolved past physical books by then, who knows.

But now to the current status.

To be honest I may end up writing myself into a corner by the end of this, it's kinda hard to write 7 eras, (The 1300s to the 2000s) and I'm not much of a plotter. Here's a quick summary of my chapter ideas -

1300s, The Trimacia Era - Complete

1400s, The ¶oached Era - Complete

1500s, The Ar¢hives Era - Quite a few ideas here, may begin around the very end of the 1500s

1600s - Will likely begin partway through the Ar¢hives Era

1700s - Some idea

1800s - No Idea

1900s - Something in Japan

2000s - Not many ideas

That's about where everything is in my head so far.

It's a shame, I thought I had more for this rest chapter but it seems not.

Unrelated but genuine question, do people actually leave the faucet on while brushing their teeth? I've seen this on school 'Save Water' presentations but I still don't know if this happens.

If you're still reading this, I thank you, I'll probably start speaking A/N's in the third person again next chapter.

If you can, I would request feedback on any current chapters or ideas, as someone attempting to improve my writing, feedback will likely improve both my ability's growth and the experience for anyone who has chosen to read this story.

But that's all for now, next chapter may take some time, refer to statements on the upload schedule for that. No matter your current status, or the time in which you read this, have a nice day, Writer appreciates you.

Writer - Minpei Irumina

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