chapter 3

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As I observed the school grounds bustling with anticipation, there was a distinct buzz in the air. Grabbing my lunch out of my locker I headed to the cafeteria where I already knew Emma, my best friend was waiting by our usual table.

Before i even sat down I could already tell she was bursting with a whole bunch of questions about the new transfer student.

" So.. have you heard yet" ??

Opening my mouth to answer, I was cut abruptly by the chaos that ensued at the front entrance of the lunch room.

From the moment Su-ho stepped foot on campus, it was evident that he possessed an undeniable charm. His confident stride and magnetic presence turned heads wherever he went.

It seemed as though his mere presence was a breath of fresh air, injecting a renewed sense of energy into our school.

" Wow, The day is only halfway over and look at how much attention he's attracting" Emma gushed as she gawked unapologetically at Su-ho as multiple girls and even some guys surrounded him, Throwing a bunch of questions his way.

For some reason I felt sorry for him, even though he smiled and greeted the people around him, something just seemed a little off... like he was disassociating.

"I wonder which is he"

"What?" I murmured turning back to Emma while unpacking my sandwich and drink.

" I was saying I wonder ethnically which Asian culture he's from.

" least that's what i imagine considering his name"

"Isn't his name Beau though" ?

" yes and no, earlier in class he introduced himself as Kang Su-Ho but I'm guessing he thought it might be easier for everyone to call him beau"

"Wait, he's in your homeroom?? And your just now mentioning it"

Shrugging I took a bite of my chicken sandwich

"Yeah were practically desk mates"

"Shut the F up, of course you get to sit next to the hot new transfer student..lucky"

Emma crossed her arms across her chest pouting as she glared at me.

"It's really not that big a deal, he's good looking yes but so what"

"Ahh Rayne I feel deeply sorry for your non existent love life sometimes"

Rolling my eyes I continued to eat my lunch, when I turned back towards the entrance the crowd was no longer there and Su-ho was gone.


It was last period art and I was kind of anxious about going back inside the classroom because I wasn't ready to face the unfinished project I've yet to complete for the showcase. There was still ten minutes left before students would start pouring into the classroom and i was seriously thinking about just skipping and going to the library to continue my sketches from this morning

That was until I caught hearing Mrs. Ross speaking to an all too familiar voice that unquestionably made my heart rate increase.

"These are amazing Su-ho, you did these yourself" ?

Peeking into the classroom I saw Mrs. Ross was holding a portfolio but I couldn't tell what it was exactly.

Su-ho sat in the corner of the art room, a shy smile played at the corner of his lips.

"I didn't think they were that good"

" they are exceptional..Su-ho have you ever thought about entering these in comps/showcase?"

" um no, these are just something I do as a hobby"

" I think you should enter this year's showcase. I know you just transferred here but feel that your art work deserves to be seen and admired by everyone."

An unsure look crossed his face and it seemed like he didn't know how to answer.

" how about you take some time and think about it, there's still about a couple months left before the showcase"

Hearing this I wasn't sure how to feel. 

There could only be one winner of the showcase and I had been working hard for the past year to make sure my work was good enough so I'd have at least a chance to win that scholarship.

Before I could hear his response the bell rang for the start of the class and students started piling in.

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