Chapter 9: Suprising Revation

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As I stepped into the garage, I could feel the anger boiling inside me like a raging storm.

The space, once neatly organized as an art storage room, was now a chaotic mess. Splatters of vibrant colors adorned the walls and floor, remnants of the paint balloons I had aggressively hurled against a large canvas. Each balloon burst, releasing a tyrant of frustration which momentarily satisfied my swirling emotions.
But deep down, I knew that my annoyance was not simply a result of the kickback party the night before.

My eyes were fixated on the image that plagued my mind - Su-ho and that girl, it just didn't make any sense.
Why was I feeling like a jealous girlfriend when Su-Go and I had only exchanged a few smiles and glances?

Before I could throw another paint filled balloon my phone started to ring already knowing who it was I answered in a angry tone.

"Finally decided to respond huh"

Laughter could be heard echoing through the phone and Rayne  listen to her friend seemingly trying to apologize for ditching her last night.

"I'm sorry she said, but I did text you"

"I didn't receive any messages Emma I was legit looking for you everywhere last night"

Few curses could be heard on the other side of the phone before Emma said she forgot to send the message she had typed.

"Guess what though" she excitedly began squealing.

Without responding I kept quiet to urging her to continue

"Su-ho was at the party last night and-"

" I know I saw him"

"Wait, what ?, what'd he say did he ask you out"????

Confused I shook my head but then realized Emma couldn't see me

" why would he ask me out"

"Well" she drawled " he came up to me and asked me about you"

Surprised, I was finding it hard to believe why he would care enough to randomly ask about me.

Trying to absorb the unexpected revelation, a rush of emotions coursed through me.

"You know", Emma started to speak again in a question tone

" I didn't kinda find it odd that he was asking me about you though, did something happen between you two"?

A beat of silence passed through the phone as I thought of all the interactions I've had with him

It's really not like we've held a conversation more than a couple short minutes and like he said I don't know anything about him but then there were those moments where our eyes would meet for just a second and it would feel like it was just me and him.

Deciding Emma really didn't need to know any of that not like there was much to tell anyways, I decided to just simple brush off her question.

"No, there's really nothing at all".

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