Chapter 6:Weight of Regret

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Cursing under my breath,  frustration consumed me as I stared at the canvas in front of me. My injured wrist throbbed, making each brushstroke an agonizing experience.

How could I possibly create a painting good enough for the art showcase, especially under these circumstances?

Doubt overshadowed my every thought, tempting me to give up on the chance to study under the renowned artist Marc Anthony.

Just as I was about to surrender to my despair , I caught a glimpse of Su-Ho leaning against the door frame, hands tucked into his pale gray trousers.

Witnessing my distress, his concerned eyes searched for mines.

"Hey, you okay"? He asked voice filled with genuine care

Embarrassing that it just had to be him to see me in this state made the tear overflow down my face, facing him  I could feel the anger swell from the depths of my core.

"Everything is wrong !, This wrist injury is driving me fucking insane, and i cant seem to create anything worthy of the showcase. I might as well forget about the scholarship, it's all pointless".

Su-ho's face softened, his voice filled with empathy.

"Rayne.. I understand how you feel, but giving up won't solve anything.  You have incredible talent, even with your injury, don't let this setback define your journey as an artist".

I took a step back, my emotions overwhelming me.

"How can you possibly understand? You don't know what it's like to struggle like this!" I blurted out, my words laced with bitterness.

Su-ho's expression flickered with surprise before a shadow of sadness crossed his face

" trust me I understand..... I- "

Putting my hand up i stopped him from continuing whatever he was about to say

"I overheard Mrs. Ross spoke with you a couple days ago about you entering the art show, do you think that's fair to others who've been here and spent hours, weeks, and months  stressing about this showcase"?

"You know" he began a voice filled with exasperation. "It's not like I have it easy either"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his absurd statement.

"That's rich coming from the well off kid who as soon as you transferred here gained the attention of every student including faculty."

His eyes hardened in sheltered slits

Instead of retorting back Su-ho turned and walked out of the classroom.

His departure left a silence that was deafening,  and I couldn't help but regret the things I said.

In truth I knew it wasn't his fault why Mrs. Ross asked him to enter the showcase and it wasn't because of him why I felt like my work isn't good enough anymore.

wanting to apologize, I rushed out the classroom frantically looking around but Shu-ho was already gone.

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