chapter 7: Bad idea

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As I settled into study hall, my mind was occupied with the weight of my distress.

Not only was I stressing about the possibility of me just quitting the show case but I also felt extremely bad about what I said to Su-Ho.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed Emma sitting beside me, her warm smile offering a silent invitation to share my troubles.

Taking a deep breath I mustered up the courage to confide in her.

"Emma, I've been thinking" I drawled out with heavy sigh. " my art....its just not improving the way I want it to. And this lingering injury, it just feels like a blockade, preventing me from reaching my full potential".

Emma's empathetic eyes met mine, reflecting understanding. without interrupting, she encouraged me to pour out my heart, assuring me that she was there for me.

I've tried Emma I really have but I just can't before school started the doctor said that I may or may not regain majority of control in my right wrist and that it all depended on the physical therapy and my determination to get back how it used to be, but no matter the amount of therapy I had its just not the same.

Her expression softened, and she gently rested her hand on mine.

" Rayne, I cant possibly know what you're going through right now, but I know how hard you've been working since the school year started. Don't give up now okay you still have time".

I smiled grateful for her words of encouragement.

in the corner of my eyes I could see Su-ho entering the study hall, but he wasn't alone like he usually was. He was surrounded by a small group of people, their heads bent close in conversation.

curious, I couldn't help but wonder when he started interacting with other students besides a brief greeting.

As if sensing my gaze he looked up briefly a stony expression showed on his face and I cringe inwardly knowing exactly why his gaze was so cold.

Emma leaned in closer to me , her voice filled with excitement.

"Did you see that? I think he glanced at you!, maybe he's interested" Emma nudge my shoulder slightly but I brushed her off.

" I doubt that" I responded knowing full well the real reason.

It wasn't that I was scared to go up to him and apologize for what happened yesterday, I just didn't want the unnecessary attention I would garner from approaching him.

"Oh by the way" Emma intruded my thoughts.

" There's a 'kickback' happening on Friday night you should definitely come with me".

I blinked, slightly taken aback by her sudden outburst.

" A kickback? Emma I appreciate the invite but I don't know if I can handle going out right now"

" that's the whole point Rayne, this could get your mind off things for a while, y'know clear your head and let loose to have some fun".

Hesitating, I eventually nodded my head in agreement and her squeal of excitement cause multiple people to glance over our table.

Emma was right with how things were I definitely needed a break for everything and maybe this kickback would do just that.

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