Chapter 1

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The blue sky
The nice breeze of air
My wings spread out
I flew carelessly
Nothing bad can happen, right?

I saw something
I don't remember well,
but something like flame
Then........... I fell.

When I hit, something was missing.
It hurt.
I was scared.
But I heard someone
"Are you okay?"
I was going to respond,
but they left

Who were they?
Why'd they leave?

I want to know......



"Huh?!" Yosafire's eyes opened wide. She lay on her bed, and had just woke up. Mm, Morning. She wiped her eye, and yawned. It had been months since the invasion and everything was back to normal. As Yosafire got up, something struck her mind. The dream.

Obviously she knew what it was her memory from when she was a child, but it really didn't matter. She already got over her fear of flying thanks to Froze. But that other part, the part about flame, she didn't remember that. What did it mean? No one was there the day it happened, so what's going on? "Maybe I just ate a little too much apple pie is all." Yosafire muttered. "Mm apple pie......."

"Yosaf! Time for school!" Froze yelled from outside. Her tone was impatient as always. "Oh right! Coming, Froze!" Yosafire replied and quickly slapped on her hat and glasses. She ran through her room and out the the front door.

"Yosaf, hurry up-" was all Froze said before Yosafire slammed the door open. "OK! Lets go!" She said and hurriedly skipped her way to school.

"You're so clumsy, Yosaf." Froze spoke, her face expressionless. "Thats why you're my best friend Froze! You always help me out when I mess up!" Yosafire replied. Her goofy grin made Froze blush a bit. "You idiot... Lets just head to school already."

"Awright!" Yosafire said and walked ahead. As they walked, they saw their friends: Rawberry, Macarona, Dialo, and Chelan.

"Oh, hey guys!"

"Morning Yosafire, Froze." Dialo said kindly. Chelan, who was mute, waved at them. Both seemed in joyful mood. Suddenly Macarona was running in circles with Rawberry behind her.

"Please put that down!" She begged Rawberry.

"Not till you give Wormy a kiss~" Rawberry teased holding a giant worm towards Macarona.

"Rawberry, if you keep playing like that, we'll be late." Froze said bluntly. Dialo nodded her head in agreement, Chelan too. Yosafire laughed as the madness continued. She paused for a bit, then spoke.

"I can't believe its been 2 months since that invasion though. Crazy!" She said randomly. After that, she froze for a while, immediately regretting her sentence. Why did I say that?! It really isn't important right now!

Everyone turned to stare at Yosafire, looking at her with confusion. "Hmm? You still thinking 'bout that?" Rawberry asked, and stuffed the worm in a hidden pocket of her dress making Macarona sigh in relief. "Yes, it's weird for you to stay on a subject like that for this long." Dialo crossed her arms. Even Chelan was puzzled. Macarona looked worried, "Is something about it bothering you?"

"I dunno...." Yosafire muttered. Everything was fine now. After the invasion ended, the village returned to normal in no time! Etihw even made the defenses stronger, so it would be almost impossible for another invasion to occur. Then why, why was Yosafire thinking about it?

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