Chapter 3

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Etihw was groaned in frustration at Kcalb's stubbornness. At the moment he was coldly staring at Emalf who hid behind the God like a scared puppy. Kcalb had already said no about 34 times, and wasn't budging. Though Etihw was God, they still needed the approval of the Devil.

Etihw took deep breaths, and returned to their normal, calm face. "Kcalb, this will be the last time I ask you. Would you let Emalf live here?"

"You already know the answer, you fool." Kcalb muttered, still staring at the poor demon. Emalf trembled in fear and gripped to Etihw's dress. The god sighed. They act like children....

"Well, Kcalb, I guess you wouldn't mind if I showed the whole village THOSE photos~" Etihw teased. Emalf loosened his grip, curious of the conversation. Kcalb practically spat out the cake he was eating.

"You wouldn't......"

Emalf looked around confused. "W-What the eff are the photos of?" An mischievous smirk crossed the God face. "Ah well, I wont go to much into detail but.."


But Etihw ignored the devil's cries. "No.....How about I just show you?" They began to search their pockets and Kcalb suddenly burst. "ALRIGHT HE CAN STAY! J-JUST BURN THE PHOTOS!"

"Love you, Kcalb~" Etihw sang. Kcalb muttered something under his breath, blushing, and went back to eating the cake. Emalf was still confused but decided to shrug it off. " what the eff do I do?"

"Hm?" Etihw turned their attention back to the demon. "Oh, I almost forgot about you!" The god laughed, while the devil ignored the whole conversation. Emalf just wanted to leave. He needed to tell Yosafire about everything, and maybe then she'll stop being mean to him.

Etihw pondered. "Well I'll call the girls over and tell them of our decision. For now, please join me and Kcalb for a game of poker." Emalf nodded hesitantly as Etihw led him up to a floating seat. Once on, it hovered over to a side of the table. Kcalb turned to Emalf, who looked less threatening than before, and talked to him. "You know how to play poker, kid?"


"Alright,here's how you play......"

Etihw looked over at them both and giggled. They're getting along already!


"Froooooooooze...." Yosafire trailed. She was quickky tapping her fingers on the table in a bored manner as she watched the angel study a book. "Yosafire, I'm studying." Earlier that day, Both Yosafire and Froze we're told to study for a test coming next week. Though Yosafire decided to study last minute, Froze had taken advantage of the time given. Yosafire didn't want to be here in the library but after the "event" that happened that day, she wanted to stay next to someone. That someone being Froze.

The green haired demon sighed impatiently. "Its getting dark! Lets play, c'mon!" Froze closed the book she was reading and stared back at Yosafire. Her emotionless glare was enough to send shivers down the girl's spine. Surprisingly, she nodded. "Ok."

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