Chapter 2

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For those asking, heres Chapter 2!


Etihw sat on the seat across from Kcalb, who was taking a bite from a small pastry. The devil across from them studied his hand of cards carefukly before placing one down. The God laughed and looked out the diamond shaped window near them. Kclab sighed and placed his deck face down. "Your turn, Eti." Etihw stared at Kcalb, and laughed.


"What game is this again?" Etihw said in sweet tone.

The anger that overflowed the devil almost made him stand up from his seat. Kcalb scolded them, yelling from the top of his lungs. "Idiot! What have you been paying attention to these last few minutes?!"

Etihw shrugged, "Sorry. I was busy. You know, being God and all...."


"That's my job; to watch over everything." They said, and sipped some tea. "Being God is not as easy as you think." Kcalb sat frustrated at every word. Etihw laughed at the devil's anger. "Yeesh, you're so quick to give up now. Back then you were so determined to kill me. Well, at least I can mess with you some more."

"S-shut up." Kclab muttered

"Oh? You're telling me to shut up because Im right." Etihw began to stack their cards into a little castle. Kcalb sighed in defeat and bit into a small cake.

Just then a figure appeared on the left. It slowly became clear who it was; Head Angel, Wodahs. "Yosafire and the others are here." He said bluntly.

"Let them in." Etihw signaled to Wodahs, and he disappeared once again. The doors began to open and the 4 girls came walking in. The green haired girl was the first to speak. "Hey, Eti! Hey, old man!" Froze elbowed her friend. "Don't be rude. This is serious."

Etihw laughed, "Hello! It's nice to have you all here." Kcalb groaned and set the cake down. "Here to talk about that flame kid?"

The girls nodded, and Macarona stepped forward. "Um, is he locked up s-somewhere?" Her timid voice stuttered. "Did ya cook him up?" Rawberry licked her lips, thinking of food.

Etihw laughed, and Kcalb stared worriedly at the Rawberry. "He's in the prison down below. I dont think he's awake yet though." Kcalb said calmly, "But considering you used almost all your sleep powder, Yosafire, it'll be at least another hour or so till he comes to." Yosafire laughed nervously.

"Hehe.... All that matters is that he's knocked out....."

Froze stared at her, an irritated look on her face. "A small pinch was all you needed to use."

"...I panicked!"

"Idiot......" Froze sighed and turned her attention back to the god and devil. "Do you know why he came?"

Etihw shook their head, "No, but I'll go confront him soon. I'll call you all back when we find something."

"Thank you!" Yosafire cheerfully said and lead her friends out with her. As the foor closed behind them, Kcalb let out a deep sigh and continued playing the game of cards. Etihw took one last sip of tea and turned over to the devil. "I wonder what that demon is here for anyways.."

"Ivlis may have sent him." Kcalb suggested. He placed card after card face down in a stack near the tray of sweets. "The fool is too persistent."

Etihw looked down at the cup of tea. "No. Reficul banned them all from ever coming back here, remember. Plus they must still be weak after their last attempt."

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