Chapter 8

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The weekend had come faster than Emalf thought. Etihw informed him that weekends were spent by relaxing and having fun. With Yosafire around, Emalf was positive he wouldn't have a good time. But that simple obstacle fid not stop him being productive. On his free time, he managed to designed a schedule for himself in hopes of becoming a better person. It included stuff like:
Eat food
Do Mr. Lowrie's Homework
Figure out how to work your phone
Take a shower
Ask Yosafire important stuff
• ......
All of it in a small notepad. He didn't exactly know how to become a better person in one day, meaning after he completes everything, he would have to ask around for ideas.

Sighing, Emalf scrambled in the makeshift bed that had granted him somewhat comfort at night. He swiveled his arm around in search for his shades. Once found, he donned them on instinctively, and got up. His bare feet touched the chilled wooden floor, sending a flurry of shivers up his back.

He had only brought enough clothing to suffice a week, meaning his wardrobe was limited. Instead of changing into a soft pair of pajamas at night, Emalf just stripped all his clothes off (except his briefs). The nights were chilly, but there was nothing he could do to change the weather. He wasn't God after all.

With a sigh, Emalf scavanged through his belongings to pull put one of three gray shirts he owned.

They were all exactly the same because Emalf sucks at fashion.

When he was young, he wore a gray shirt identical to the one he had on now. It's not that he was to lazy to wear something different. No, it was just that as a child, the Devil never trusted youth with money, so Ivlis never granted Emalf and....... him as much money. They had about 100G to split between each other, and Flame World products were very pricy. A simple piece of candy could range around 10G to over 580G! Instead of purchasing things that trending like name brand shoes, new phones, illegal items or cool things like that, Emalf and him decided to save up that money for the future. As they grew older, they were provided better fitting clothing by servants in The Castle. This meant for a whole ten years of Emalf's life, he had only worn a gray shirt with black pants up until he and him decided it was time to use that money.

But that's another story.

He slipped the shirt on and shoved his hand back in the scrambled pile to find a pair of shorts. They wasn't anything special about the shorts, they were just black with the inside of the pockets being red. After letting out a big yawn, Emalf walked to the kitchen, and searched his side of the fridge. All that was left was a carton of milk, a small juice box, and the bag of sliced dragon fruit. "Effing really...." His stomach grumbled furiously. "Ugh I guess I need to do some shopping..." Was there even a market in this world? There had to be, or else how would people buy their food? It was something he was unsure about, so he made a note to write in his little notepad about it. He exhaustedly grabbed the bag of sliced dragonfruit and stepped back into the living room.

He sat in his usual seat, the one in front of Yosafire's. It was seven forty-five, and she always got up around at eight thirty, so with the math he learned in Ms. Greifs, he had calculated that there would be enough time for him to think about other stuff for his to-do list. For about fifteen minutes, Emalf poked around with his phone, still trying to unlock it, while crunching on the many seeds in the dragonfruit. The whole week he'd been trying to unlock the effing thing, but no one had offered to help him. Every time he visited the God and Devil, he seemingly forgot to ask, leaving him to find out on his own.

There were about three pieces left when a sudden slam interrupted the his thoughts. Out stepped a sleepy Yosafire. Her eyes were half shut;she was wearing only stockings and a long red pajama shirt that almost reached her knees. She went into the bathroom for less than a minute and went to set her head down on the table.

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