Chapter 4

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"W-W-WHAT?!" This was something that could be heard all the way from The Gray Village. "YOU'RE JOKING, RIGHT?!"

Etihw shook their head. "No!"


Etihw nodded, "Yes!"

"But whhhhyyy?" Yosafire complained. Pervy, living with her, for WEEKS?! Everyday would be a nightmare! "Can't he just go away?"

"Hey!" Emalf shouted. He came here for her, plus there was no way Ivlis would let him back home without a proper explanation. "Just give me an effin chance, cutie!"

"On my dead body!"

Froze stepped foward next to her friend. "Yosafire, stop arguing. You're just making the situation worse." Yosafire crossed her arms. "He started it...."

Etihw cleared their throat, silencing everyone in the room. "I understand why you wish for him to leave, but I know that he means no harm." Yosafire and Emalf exchanged quick glares as The God continued. "It is only for a week or two."

She was hesitant to admit it, but Yosafire actually wanted to get to know the guy. When they first meet, he was all over her, but maybe theres a bit more to him. Still, Yosafire hated him with a passion. ".....Fine......" She trailed in defeat.

Macarona gasped, "Are y-you sure?! Maybe there's we can arrange something else....." The pink haired demon stepped foward.

"We could chop him up and eat every bit of him......." Rawberry savored. "Mmm...I want a taste of those eyes....." Macarona clenched her stomach making fowl noises. Rawberry looked around a bit. "If you want we could pickle his flesh. Might taste better...and last longer...." A small faint scream echoed.

Kcalb shuddered, "No! There will be no killing or pickling."

"It's already decided. Emalf will stay with Yosafire until his home is built." Etihw finalized. Everyone silenced once more. The god took a breath a continued. "If you all could wait outside the castle, and we'll join you soon."

The girls were hesitant, but complied. As they walked, Yosafire turned to look at Emalf, who was talking with Kcalb. He noticed her and waved nervously. Yosafire instantly blushed, and flipped him off. The door slammed behind her. It was hard to explain why she blushed, but one thing was sure; It would be a LONG 2 weeks.

Yosafire caught up wih her friends. Froze kept calm, Macarona was silently panicking, and Rawberry was just disappointed in not getting any food. Her friends were just as scared as she was. "Yosafire, will you be OK?"

"Of course not! Pervy's gonna be in MY HOUSE." She exaggerated as they stepped to the diamond shortcut. "What if he watches me as I sleep?"

Macarona yelped, "AH! That'd really scary!"

"I'd eat him if I were you." Rawberry whispered to the green haired demon.

"You are all exaggerating. Etihw is the god of this world and have already spoken to him. They would never put any of us in danger." Froze spoke, "If it helps, we also know he is weak."

At the angel's words, they began to calm down. "Y-you're right, Froze!" Macarona cheered. Yosafire went back to her usual self. "Yeah! Shade's doesn't stand a chance against us!"

Rawberry murmured, "if he does something to you, Yosaf, I'll make him into jam..." As the girls placed their hands on the diamond, Yosafire smiled. The thought of her friends protecting her, brought he joy. Hopefully it would be over before I know it.

Back inside the castle, God and Devil told Emalf a few things. Kcalb gave him a fair amount of cash and a "Good Luck". Meanwhile Etihw was establishing somethings the demon needed to remember.

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