Chapter 7

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As they walked out of class, Emalf stretched his arms and yawned. Yosafire hesitantly walked near the demon. She didn't want to ruin her image by acting rude to him. Ugh. This sucks. It was bad enough Etihw and the Old Man trust this piece of trash, but now the whole class?! They treat him like he's something special. He was right next her, smiling. One more glance and she could puke.

He's not special.

Yosafire was interrupted when she bumped into something. The demon stumbled to floor, only to see Froze, Rawberry, and Macarona hovering over her.

"Eyyyyy~" Rawberry smiled.
"We were wondering if you would like to go to the forest near the garden once more." Macarona said kindly.
"Yeah. Last time I wasn't able to eat a sheep, because of someone...." The pink haired demon glared at Emalf, who was next to Yosafire during all this.

Froze let out her hand, in which Yosafire gladly grabbed, allowing her to stand up. "Sure!" Let's go!"

As they walked away, Emalf awkwardly tried to grab their attention. "Hey hey! C-can I effing come?"

"No" Yosafire stated bluntly.
"Yosafire! You could've said that in a better way!" Macarona said nervously.
"No, go rot in hell pervy." Yosafire repeated.
"Not that way!!" Macarona sighed.

Emalf hunched over. Guess I still haven't proven myself. "I-I get it! It's cool!"

Froze calmly walled up to the demon and patted his shoulder. "Maybe you can use this time and report to Etihw about your day. I'm sure they would appreciate it."

Emalf sighed. "I guess. OK, well I'll see you girls later...?"

"Yeah, yeah just leave" Yosafire gave him a push, causing him to fall face first in the dirt path. He coughed back dust as the girls walked off. Emalf blinked rapidly. His shades had fallen next to him, but luckily no one saw. Snapping them back on. He stood up.

"Lamb chops! Lamb chops! Tatsy, yummy Lamb chops!~" Rawberry sung, skipping away from the boy. Emalf huffed as he patted away the dirt on his clothing.

I wish you were effing here buddy.


After the flame demon's introduction to school, the week seemed to become worse everyday, well for Yosafire.

Emalf would constantly be crowded by other students, all of which would state things he'd never heard before.

"Is it true that angels and demons from other worlds eat each other?!
"You're so nice! You must be loved back at your world!"
"Its almost like I've known you for my whole life!"
"Do you wanna join us ! We're going to have a picnic in the forest!"

They followed him like moths to a flame.  After class, he would constantly reject all their offerings. It was overwhelming!

And of course afterward he would receive his usual "accidental" kicks from Yosafire. By the third day, he was already accustomed to her behavior towards him. Everyday after class, Yosafire would stand at the school doors, she didn't even have to give more than a furious glare for Emalf to understand that he wasn't welcomed. To his surprise, none of their classmates noticed her behavior.

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