Part 5

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Thank you guys so my for votes once again! And because I get the votes so fast I'll be a meano (sorry) and Ill upload the next part when it gets 5 votes okay? ;( I hope you guys dont mind and thanks for votes and comments and for reading ofc! Btw have you noticed my 'rewrote' references to the actual anime/manga? and don't worry some parts I will take from the anime/manga but I twist them around my own ways :3 -Me
Ls P.O.V.
I stared at his gleaming face in disbelief. Why did he go this far? He must really care about me if he instead of ignoring me, like I did, came up with all this. The question is, does he mean it?

He kept an innocent smile on his face, and wouldnt interrupt our eye contact. I sat there with my eyes wide open and my mouth speechless not knowing what to say next. I really love him, I think but what if its all his game? I never wanted feelings involved in any of my cases but I do feel a deep affection for him.

But once again, if he kills with me around then I therefore am his alibi. He wouldnt be capable of killing with me 24/7 watching him right? And so far none of his actions were suspicious.

I really am starting to think, not even think mostly hope, that he is not Kira, I sighed deeply and murmured out, "Yagami-kun, it would be a problem if you were Kira," I stared at him intensely "because you're..."

I dropped the eye contact and looked over at a painting behind him, "my first not only friend, but c-crush ever," My lip trembled a bit from emotions and I didn't know what to do next. He didn't seem to know either as he just stared back in an emotionless manner now.

"And you have no idea how hard I wish to believe that you are not Kira and I want you to know that I push you away only because I don't want myself to suffer if the truth of you being Kira would come out," I added, and kept going on uncontrollably.

"You must understand that I deeply hope you are not him and that I really do love you," I stared at the painting still, with a frown on my face. I waited for his next moves but he stayed silent. Was he gonna tell me how much he loves me or how he isn't Kira just to make sure I feel assured? That I will lose hope of him being Kira?

Lights P.O.V.
To be honest, I didn't know what to say or do next. The things he told me hit me hard. Why did he tell me all that? Is he really desperate now? I never suspected that he'd care so much about me. That he'd say those things.

I stood up out of his lap, and said said out loud to his face, "If you are hoping so bad that I am not Kira, I will let you lock me up and be under surveillance 24/7 for how many days you wish to show you that the killings will still go on even if I am locked up,"

His mouth fell wide open with astonishment and he hastily mumbled out, "R-really? Y-you are that desperate to show me you a-are not K-Kira??" And I nodded, "Of course, Ryuuzaki. If it means that much to you then of course. But all I wish for is a few minutes of being alone with my dad. He might not like the idea of me being locked up, okay?"

"Of course," he whispered out, still in shock in what I stated. I smiled at him and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, "I hope this will ease your mind, Ryuuzaki. I don't want you to worry too much about this".

He stayed still, and kept looking with a blank stare behind me, but I knew he was listening. I let go of him and stared at him for a while before leaving the room. Now I needed to figure out how in those few moments alone with my dad should I make out a plan for the next, I don't know how many, days should the killings continue without me writing in the notebook physically.

Ls P.O.V.
I couldn't believe it that he was going this far. For me? He was going to be strapped in a straight jacket. Alone. In a cold cell. For a few days or weeks. Is he conscious of that? It's gonna be horrible experience for him.

But it would help the case a lot. And that is one of the only ways of helping me clear his name of him being Kira.

"When would you want to start?" I asked him, getting up and stopping him by holding his arm.

He smiled again, and said, "It doesn't matter when. You can choose that for me okay?" He came turned fully towards me to face me, and grabbed my face in his palms and whispered, "I will miss you when I'll be inprisoned in that cell you know, but everything for you," and he slowly began to kiss my lips.

His tongue delicately licked my lips and when I opened my lips to lick his, he started to explore my mouth by licking every single thing in it.

He pulled away for a second and said, "Did I ever tell you that you taste very sweet?" And I intensely looked at him with a blush forming from rush of emotions and mumbled, "Did I ever tell you that you, that I am not surprised at all that ladies are after you?"

He chuckled and said, "Who cares about them? I never liked them anyway". He pushed me against the wall and kissed me once more, while running his fingers down my shirt.

I ruffled my hand through his hair, while with the other, I brushed it down his body, towards his khakis, and went under both them and his boxers.

He gave out a pleasured moan that made me excited. I rubbed my fingers against his member, that made him moan out, "Nnngn..!" I rubbed harder and harder until he gasped out, "S-stop..!" And leaned himself against the wall.

In a confused manner, I stopped and asked, "Why? Did you not like it?" He leaned over at me now, and with a crooked smile said, "Trust me I did! But I don't want to waste the energy only on myself!" And while he said that he began to take off his pants.

When he finished, he pushed me gently against the bed and did the same to me. He flipped me around so I was lying on my stomach in my boxers, at the end of the bed, my legs crouching on the floor.

"Would you mind if we have some fun that we both desired for such a long time, Ryuuzaki?"

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