Part 9

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Okay heres the next part! This is the second last part btw! ;D Thanks for votes and enjoy part 9! ~Me
Lights P.O.V.
Its already been a few days that I have been locked up. My dad locked himself stupidly for my sake too. My head hurts a lot and I feel like throwing up.

All I've done or what I 'could' do lately is just laying on that bench-like bed but I've done that for two days straight so currently I'm laying stomach first on the cold floor with my cheek embracing sideways the coldness of it.

My eyes from time to time dart to look at Ryuuzaki sitting on his chair in front of the camera, with Matsuda on his right and Aizawa-san on his left.

Ryuuzaki's face was emotionless, but even through the camera I could see that his eyes were worried. Baka Ryuuzaki worrying like that.

Suddenly he lifted himself off the chair, turned off the camera system and left for the door. Finally.

After a couple of minutes, he entered the room before the cell, retrieved the cell keys and opened the gate entrance. He slowly, still emotionlessly, entered the room and grabbed me by the neck part of the straight jacket.

He gently kissed my lips and stared deeply into my eyes with sorrow and regret, "It was a goodbye kiss,Yagami-kun, or should I say Raito?" He placed me back on the floor, and without closing the cell gate, he left.

What is he doing? What is he saying goodbye for? Did he leave that cell gate open on purpose?

I stopped spacing out, and immediately attempted at getting up, but since my arms were in the straight jacket, it took a good few minutes before I actually managed to pull myself upwards.

After I was certainly balanced on the floor, I started walking, or rather trying at least since I still had the handcuffs on my feet, towards the staircase.When I was right in front of it, I slowly jumped up each step and tried to keep myself balanced so I wouldn't fall.

When I finally reached the top, I was already greatly tired, and couldn't stop gasping for air. I leaned myself against the wall in front of the staircase and had a quick few seconds of a rest till I burst into shuffling down the hallway towards the next staircase, this time bigger.

When I reached the top again, I couldn't help myself to leaning against the wall again since my breathing became even heavier then before. When my breathe became steadier, I shuffled down another hallway again and reached Ryuuzaki's and my bedroom.

The door was left open which indicated he was here just as I suspected, but when I came in there was not a soul in it. The only thing that differed in the bedroom from before is the fact that the cupboard I placed the Death Notes in was open.

I hurriedly went to the staircase and instead of walking down it as I failed to do so, I fell and rolled down to the bottom. Damn Ryuuzaki making me go through all of this.

After a couple minutes of trying, I finally got up and went to the computer room and just as I suspected Ryuuzaki was there on his computer with one of the Death Notes on his lap, and the other on the desk. He held a pen in his hand and was scribbling something in one of the Death Notes.

I couldn't help myself but stumble forwards to him and, with a leap, attack him to stop writing, "What do you think you're doing, Ryuuzaki?!" After my leap Ryuuzaki fell off his chair with me, still restrained with handcuffs and the straight jacket, on top of him.

I positioned myself so I would be holding him down with my knees at each side of his waist.

All he did was smile at me sorrowfully while saying, "You knew all this would happen right?" He clicked his tongue and held back tears. That idiot looked so ridiculously and pitifully cute. Damnit.

"Ryuuzaki I already told you that I love-" he slapped me before I could say anymore.

Ls P.O.V.
"There's no point for this act anymore, Yagami-kun. You see that computer I sat at? Well I wrote every rule and everything that is in that notebook so my successors would be informed about how you do it. Even if I die, You are finished Yagami-kun. There was no 'we'. I only stupidly imagined it".

Come on, Yagami-kun just tell the truth that you planned it all. That you purposely left that jacket of yours so I would see the Death Notes. You knew I wouldn't say anything then since my current mental state is bad and you knew I would ignore it because of love to you. You knew I would later decide that I'll kill myself because I'm not fit for this case and that I would send all this information to the successors.

Please, Yagami-kun don't lie in the last few minutes of my life.

"What are you talking about Ryuuzaki?!" No Raito. Stop. "Please calm down Ryuuzaki and think about the situation! Don't you understand I love you?!" Stop with the lies. Please. "Yes I am Kira! But I do love you! I'll burn the Death Notes for you! I really did fall in love with you Ryuuzaki so please understand!" His face was all wet from tears and his hair stuck to his face but somehow he still managed to look adorable.

This man ruined me.

I attempted at sitting up, with him still on top of me. I placed my head on his shoulder and I brought my arms around him to detach him from the straight jacket. The moment I detached it I threw it across the room and hugged him properly.

He hugged me back and cried on my shoulder, "Please Ryuuzaki. You're the only one holding us apart," he pleaded but I just stayed quiet and smiled to myself happily. At least he's pretending to care at such a moment. Thank you.

Suddenly he pulled me away from himself and started shaking me violently, "Hey, Ryuuzaki! Answer me-" he stopped immediately shaking me and instead he placed his two hands on my neck just like in a trance.

So that's how the Death Note works?

I Love... You? LxLight (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now