Timeline Of Redgrave

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2025: World War 3 starts after Chinese Invasion of Taiwan; Russia & its allies join the war after invading Ukraine once again; US & its allies join the war & defends both Ukraine and Taiwan

2026: Fall of current Belarusian government; new government installed

2027: Middle East joins in the US side (with some exceptions)

2028: Invasion of the Philippines; Philippines joins the war

2029: Russia turns democratic after ousting Putin & switches sides

2030 - 2031: Chinese and North Korean forces being pushed back

2032: North Korea launches a nuke towards Brussels

2033: End of WW3 after China surrenders and North Korea gets fully absorbed by South Korea

2033 - 2055: Reconstruction Period

2055 - 2069: Nations of Earth restart the Space Race

2069: First Human Settlement on the Moon, established on July 20, 100 years after the 1st Moon Landing (Outpost Armstrong)

2075: Manswell Expedition ends in failure after losing comms with the vessel

2103: First Permanent Human Settlement on Mars

2148: Discovery of Mass Effect Technology & Physics; First use of FTL travel

2149: Discovery of the Charon Relay; Signing of the Systems Alliance charter by Earth's 18 most powerful nations

2150: First human extrasolar colonies are established

2151: Construction of Arcturus Station and its first military ships

2154: Mark Shepard is born on Mindoir

2156: Inauguration of Arcturus Station

2157: First Contact War with the Turian Hierarchy; First contact with the Citadel Council and the rest of the galaxy; Cerberus is established

2158: First reports of human biotics

2160: Formation of Alliance Parliament

2162: Completion of Arcturus Station

2163: More humans exhibit more biotic abilities

2165: The Alliance expands; the Citadel Council grants the Alliance an embassy.

2170: Mindoir is attacked by batarian slavers, killing or capturing multiple colonists, including Mark's parents.

2171: The Batarian Hegemony cuts ties with the Citadel & becomes a rogue state

2172: Shepard enlists in the Alliance Military

2176: Pirates, funded by the Batarians, launched a surprise attack on the human colony of Elysium, which became known as the Skyllian Blitz; the attack is repulsed by the Alliance Navy and Marines, including Shepard, who was awarded the Star of Terra, the highest military award given to soldiers (basically the Alliance's Medal of Honor)

2178: The Theshaca Raids occurred when the Alliance retaliated against the pirates who participated in the Skyllian Blitz

Early 2183: The SSV Normandy is built, with Captain David Anderson as the ship's captain and N7 Commander Mark Shepard as its XO (Executive Officer)

Mid to Late 2183: The events of Mass Effect 1 occur; Shepard becomes the 1st Human Spectre, and hunts down rogue Spectre, Saren Arterius. This event revealed the existence of the Reapers

Late 2183: The Normandy gets destroyed by the Collectors, presumably killing Shepard

2185: Shepard gets revived by Cerberus and is given the Normandy SR-2; Events of Mass Effect 2 happened (plus DLCs)

Early 2186: The Alpha Relay has been destroyed by Shepard due to the relay being a gate for the Reapers to pass through

Mid 2186: Events of Mass Effect 3; Reaper War, Geth & Quarian War, Cerberus Coup

Early 2187: Battle of Earth; Destruction of the Reapers; the Normandy SR-2 crashes in an unknown world

Early to Mid 2187: Normandy restored & leaves the unknown planet

Late 2187: Construction of Redgrave City starts

2188 - 2197: Galactic Reconstruction Era

2194: Dawson-Ivanovich Mass Relay Engine first introduced

2197: Systems Alliance reforms into the Federal Republic of Redgrave

2198: Humanity peacefully steps down from its spot as a Council Race

2199: Expansion of Redgrave into the Attican Traverse

2200: Discovery of Teyvat; First contact with native species.

2201 - 2205: Humanity studies Teyvat's culture, society, politics, and its unique power: Visions

2206: Redgrave sets up outposts in Teyvat

2207 - 2211: Teyvat slowly incorporates itself with Redgrave

2212: Teyvantians (People from Teyvat) can freely join the Redgrave Armed Forces, despite each other's differences

2213: The Terran Archon (My OC) joins the Redgrave Military

2216: Discovery of the Imperatoria Terra Unionis; Redgrave sends the Terran Archon to investigate the planet.

2217: Current Year

That's about it. If you want to help write the history of Redgrave, dm me your idea on my discord {dante0765}. Bye now.

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