Chapter 3: Capabilities

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Then - Narration

Ayo! - Dialogue

Now...- Serious Tone

FUCK YOU! - Shouting

"I wonder what's for lunch" - Thought

*Swings sword* - Action

(A/N:) - Author's note

[Name/Place] - Time/Place/POV Change


3rd Person POV

The Eclipse Pathfinder arrives at the Tikkun System, the home system of the Quarian species. Most of the crew were used to mass effect jumps, but seeing as how Sirzechs and Ironwood are first timers, they each grabbed a metal bin and started throwing up.

Sirzechs: I regret eating that grilled cheese sandwich before boarding inside.

Ironwood: Same, but for a PB&J.

A door opens up close by, revealing Austen. He walked up to the two headmasters with something in his hand.

Austen: You two alright?

Sirzechs: Kinda.

Ironwood: How are you all not affected by this?

Austen: We got used to it.

Ironwood: How long until you did?

Austen: Usually after 5 to 15 jumps. Some got used to it with as little as 3 jumps, while others are after 30 jumps.

Both headmasters understood the situation, but they threw up into the bins once again.

Austen: I'll give you some time.

Both headmasters gave him a thumbs up as they continue to throw up into the bins they grabbed. A few minutes later, they set aside their bins, half-full of vomit, they stood up and went to where Austen is. Austen was holding two sets of clothes as he gave them to both headmasters.

Austen: Wear these.

Sirzechs: What's this?

Austen: Standard uniform. There's a shower nearby. You guys stink after that fight with Trihexa.

 You guys stink after that fight with Trihexa

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Both of them realize that he's right. They do stink. And bad. They grabbed their respective clothes and went to the showers installed to the ship, then took a nice hot shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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