Redgrave Stealth Corps

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Total Personnel:

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The Redgrave Stealth Corps is designed to operate in the shadows, conducting covert missions with precision and discretion. The structure emphasizes specialized units, advanced technology, and seamless integration with other military branches when needed.

Organizational Structure

1. Stealth Corps Command:
- General of the Stealth Corps: Overall leader responsible for strategic direction and coordination.

2. Stealth Divisions:
- Shadow Division: Specialized in covert operations, sabotage, and infiltration.
- Silent Reconnaissance Division: Focuses on stealthy intelligence gathering and reconnaissance.
- Phantom Strike Division: Conducts surprise attacks and surgical strikes behind enemy lines.

3. Stealth Brigade:
- Nightshade Brigade: Multi-role unit capable of diverse stealth missions.
- Eclipse Brigade: Specialized in electronic warfare, disrupting enemy communications and systems.
- Ghostwalker Brigade: Trained for covert insertion and extraction in hostile environments.

4. Stealth Reconnaissance Units:
- Stealth Recon Team: Small, highly mobile teams for advanced reconnaissance.
- Cloak & Dagger Squadron: Airborne unit specializing in aerial stealth operations.

5. Counter-Espionage and Counter-Stealth Division:
- Stealth Sentry Unit: Dedicated to identifying and neutralizing enemy stealth capabilities.
- Deceiver Division: Conducts misinformation campaigns to mislead adversaries.

6. Stealth Technology Research and Development Unit:
- Stealth Tech Director: Leads the development of cutting-edge stealth technology.
- Invisibility Research Team: Explores advanced cloaking and camouflage systems.

7. Stealth Support and Logistics Division:
- Whispering Supply Unit: Ensures the delivery of equipment and supplies without detection.
- Silent Logistics Team: Manages logistical support for prolonged covert missions.

8. Joint Operations Integration Center:
- Stealth Liaison Officer: Coordinates with other branches for joint stealth operations.
- Cross-Domain Integration Team: Ensures seamless collaboration across different military domains.

9. Stealth Training and Evaluation Command:
- Stealth Training Director: Develops and oversees training programs for stealth operatives.
- Stealth Evaluation Unit: Assesses the effectiveness of stealth missions and recommends improvements.

10. Stealth Medical Corps:
- Invisible Medics: Provides medical support for stealth operatives, ensuring minimal visibility.

11. Stealth Navy:
- Stealth Fleets: Deals with the sabotaging of space stations and the ambush of enemy ships/convoys.

12. Stealth Air Arm
- Silent Air Squadrons: Is responsible for the secret bombing runs authorized by High Command.

Standard Uniform

Standard Uniform

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