Military Power

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Official Name:
Redgrave Armed Forces

Total Personnel:
2,907,217,880 (2 in 35 people)
- Active Personnel: 415,316,840
- Reserve Personnel: 2,491,955,040

- Army
- Terrestrial Navy
- Space Navy/Space Force
- Air Force
- Marine Corps
- Mech Force
- Special Forces
- Defense Force
- Stealth Corps

Redgrave Armed Forces Organizational Structure:

1. High Command:
- Supreme Commander: The overall leader responsible for strategic direction.
- Chief of Defense Staff: Oversees coordination among branches and advises the Supreme Commander.

2. Redgrave Army:
- Army Chief: Leads the ground forces and coordinates with other branches.
- Infantry Division: Comprises infantry, artillery, and support units.
- Armored Division: Specialized in tank warfare and rapid armored assaults.

3. Redgrave Terrestrial Navy:
- Navy Grand Admiral: Commands naval operations and fleet movements.
- Surface Fleet: Includes aircraft carriers, destroyers, and cruisers.
- Submarine Fleet: Specialized in underwater operations and stealth.

4. Redgrave Air Force:
- Grand Air Marshal: Heads aerial operations and air defense.
- Fighter Wing: Focuses on air superiority and ground attack capabilities.
- Strategic Air Command: Manages bombers and long-range strike capabilities.

5. Redgrave Space Navy/Space Force:
- Space Admiral: Leads space-based operations and satellite deployment.
- Space Reconnaissance Unit: Gathers intelligence and monitors celestial activity.
- Anti-Satellite Defense Unit: Protects critical assets from space-based threats.
- Numbered Space Fleets: The backbone of the Space Force.

6. Redgrave Marine Corps:
- Marine Corps Commandant: Directs amphibious operations and rapid response.
- Assault Division: Specialized in sabotage & assassinations.
- Expeditionary Force: Versatile units capable of rapid deployment.

7. Redgrave Mech Corps:
- Mech Corps General: Commands mechanized and armored units.
- Mechanized Infantry Brigade: Utilizes advanced vehicles for rapid maneuverability.
- Armored Reconnaissance Unit: Provides frontline intelligence and reconnaissance.

8. Redgrave Special Forces:
- Special Operations Commander: Oversees elite and covert operations.
- Counter-Terrorism Unit: Responds to high-threat situations and terrorist activities.
- Special Reconnaissance Team: Conducts intelligence gathering and unconventional warfare.

9. Redgrave Defense Force:
- Defense Force General: Manages homeland defense and disaster response.
- Cyber Defense Unit: Guards against digital threats and ensures information security.
- Civil Support Brigade: Collaborates with civilian agencies for emergencies.

Joint Commands:

- Theater Commands: Regional commands ensuring joint operations across branches.
- Strategic Command: Responsible for nuclear and strategic capabilities.

Training and Doctrine Command:
- Develops and implements training programs for standardization.
- Formulates military doctrine to guide operations.

This hierarchical structure emphasizes clear lines of command, joint collaboration, and adaptability to handle diverse military challenges. Regular exercises and training ensure readiness across all branches.

Military Service is often voluntary, but a mild conscription can be issued in dire situations. It states that all able-bodied men and women aged 18-25 are must serve 12 months in the military, but are also encourage to extend their time served in the military.

Next thing is showing what each soldier & general looks like from each branch. Bye.

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