Prologue: Departure & Arrival

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Imperatoria Terrae Unionis

Unio Terrae, Capital of the I.E.U.

Union Academy

3rd Person POV

Imperatoria Terrae Unionis, or The Imperial Earth Union, is a powerful interstellar empire populated by people with supernatural power. Those powers include Semblances, Sacred Gears, Magic Mastery, and Quirks. They even have schools dedicated to training said people. The most successful being Union Academy. However, reality can be very disappointing. Since its establishment, the people have been very corrupt & obsessed with power. They either take it out onto minority groups like the Faunus, or the ones with weak powers/powerless people. One of those people being a prominent person of their currently unknown neighbors. However, this action will cause the I.E.U's downfall. Formerly known as the Systems Alliance, The Federal Republic of Redgrave has reformed and militarized since its peaceful exit from the Citadel Council, who still considers Redgrave as an ally. Since their discovery of the planet Teyvat, their knowledge of visions and rich history became a great topic for scientists, anthropologists, and sociologists alike. By 2212, it recently started accepting Teyvantians into the military, which prompted Redgrave High Command to establish the Vision Corps. One of its best members is Major Austen Forrest from the Redgrave Marine Corps. His service records were one of the best there is. Even surpassing that of Admiral Mark Shepard, who recommended Austen to the N7 Program. With his N7 experience, he was nominated for a top secret project known as...

Project: Terran Archon

When he was chosen, he went through numerous experiments, but he lived through all of them, officially becoming the Terran Archon. The element chosen was Tenebris, or Darkness. With his newfound abilities, he's been through multiple missions that require teams or even platoons to carry out. When Redgrave discovered the I.E.U, they sent Austen to their capital, Unio Terrae, to discover what cultures, society, resources, and something unique to them. As an extra precaution, they took his Gnosis off: a trick they learned from the Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya. When he was sent there, he went through hell. Constant bullying, physical & mental abuse, being framed for something he didn't do, all that crap. During combat classes, despite his experience in the field, the supernatural ability bullshit always nullifies it. It's been almost a year since his mission, and we see him getting beat up by Teams CRDL & SSSN, most of the Occult Research Club, and the power-hungry students of Classes 1-A & 1-B. Austen tried defending himself, but it was no use as they used their powers against him.

Cardin: That should teach you a lesson.

Sun: You're nothing but a weakling.

Rias: I don't see why my brother admitted you into Union in the first place.

Katsuki: You're nothing but a waste of space!

Austen stood up while heavily breathing & having multiple injuries.

The Terran Archon: Austen Forrest

The Terran Archon: Austen Forrest

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