Chapter 1: Arrival Of The Federal Republic To The I.E.U.

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Then - Narration

Ayo! - Dialogue

Now - Serious Tone

FUCK YOU! - Shouting

"I wonder what's for lunch" - Thought

*Swings sword* - Action

(A/N:) - Author's note

[Name/Place] - Time/Place/POV Change


3rd Person POV

It's been half a year since Austen left Union Academy. He's had time to reconnect with his friends, family, and girlfriends. He's also been training to use the Tenebris Gnosis again after being removed from him prior to the Union mission, as well as his new robotic right arm. Currently, we see Austen training with Shepard and Wriothesley, who got aboard the Eternal Dusk a few weeks ago. Wriothesley shot a Cryo blast towards Austen while Shepard used biotic charge towards Austen. But it was all a trap as Austen moved so Shepard could divert and intercept Wriothesley's cryo blast. It worked as Shepard got hit in the gut, knocking him back.

Wriothesley: Sorry, Admiral!

Shepard: I'm fine, I'm fine.

Austen used this opportunity to dash at Wriothesley and gave him a hard punch to the face, sending himto the wall which knocked him out. Shepard used Nova to knock Austen back, which kinda worked as Austen was pushed back a couple feet.

Austen: So we're playing that game, huh, Admiral?

Austen activates both his gauntlet and the Tenebris Gnosis, then does Dark Hell on Earth at Shepard, who gets knocked back to the wall, where Wriothesley is. Shepard chuckles as he had his arms up, indicating that Austen won the match.

Shepard: Not bad, not bad.

Austen chuckles as well as he helped Shepard get up.

Shepard: I'm getting old already.

Austen: Aren't we all?

Shepard: You're right about that. Now help me get Wriothesley out the wall.

Austen: Right.

Austen & Shepard pulled Wriothesley out of the wall, then both of them carried him to the infirmary.

At Union

The situation in Union drastically changed. And it changed for the worst.


With the supernatural, a split between the devil faction happened. On one end, the ones who think of powerless people as cannon fodder, led by the most of the Devil Council. One of its most prominent figures is none other than Rias & her peerage. On the other end, we have those that defend said powerless people, led by the 4 maous. Its most prominent members include Issei, Sirzechs, Serafall, Sona, and surprisingly, Riser & the Phenex family. This group also has the support of the Angels and most of the Fallen Angels. A few fallen angels sided with Rias as they see powerless people as prey.

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