Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine ( Gena's POV)

Three day... Three days has passed since Alex, my friend ran away. I was so confused and angered. Why couldn't I see that she was different?

Every night for the pass three days, I sobbed harshly. I lost my only friend! My true friend!

I began to sob once again... It was the fourth night that my friend was gone. I shook my head and trembled in my covers. No... She wasn't just a friend.. I her. She was always there for me, protected me, stuck out for me, helped me pass my fears, and helped me remember the feeling of having someone there.

" Alex...." I whimpered," please come back! Please!" I trailed off into heavy, harsh sobs. I wanted to find her, but I knew there was nothing I could do to make her come back.

"Why not go then?" My eyes widen at the unfamiliar voice. I cocked my head upwards and stared at the person.. No, thing in front of me. Her skin was pale white and she wore a soft long sleeved white dress that touched the ground. Her hair was floating as if she was in water.

Truly, she was beautiful... I stared at her in awe.

"Why, thanks," she stated softly with a light giggle. I snapped out of my trance and blushed lightly.

" Who are you?" I asked, trying to calm my red checks. I stood up to be just shorter then her. She smiled and ran her slightest clod fingers through my hair. It wasn't as cold as I thought. They had this strange pinch of warmth to them.

"I'm Alice," She smiled brightly. Her lips was a bright red, and her eye lashes was dark black and long. How could a person be so beautiful.

" I-I-I'm G-G-"

" Gena, I know," Alice chuckled at my actions and ran her hand down my check. She stroked it lovingly and carefully. I stared in her eyes, and she doing the same." You look just like your mom," she added softly. My eyes widen. I stepped back.

" Y-you know my mom? My real mom?" I asked through a gasp. Alice nodded, but a frown was on her lips.

" She... She's dead..." Alice whispered out softly. I clenched my hands into fists and tried to not cry, but it was a habit. My checks was already puffy from sobbing a minute ago.

" O-Oh I see..." I whispered sadly and ripped the tear away. Before I could ask anything else, Alice spoke,

" Your mother was my best friend..." Her voice was sadden, but yet, she did not cry. That confused me, but I discarded it." So I swore to her I would watch over you," she added with a slight, weak smile. I stared at her. I wanted to move on with the topic, but I wanted to know how she knew about me wanting to go after Alex.

" How did you know about Alex?" I asked suddenly, nocking Alice off guard. But she chuckled a little.

" You've changed," she muttered, but returned to my question." Well you see... Alex is.. Well.. How do I put this.." Alice trailed off as if thinking. I watched her slid her finger under her chin and think.

" She's different then any other werewolf and vampire," she stated. She shook her head lightly and sighed.

" What?" I asked. I was confused. I already knew she's part werewolf and vampire, so why is she telling me this? Alice glanced at me. Now that I noticed.... Alice had a kinda worried and fearful look on her face.

" She... Her Dads... Not her Dad.." She whispered out unevenly. Her breath was hitching slightly. I titled my head.

" What do You mean?" I asked, confusion all over my face. Alice stared at me before sighing deeply.

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