Chapter 3: More Werewolves

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Chapter 3 More Werewolves

Alex's POV

It's been two days... Since the night I found out Gena's secret. And... It's almost the night of the full moon... I'm scared, but then again I'll just run away before the full moon." What are you doing, Alex?" Gena tapped my shoulder. I blinked a couple of times before smiling gently." I was just thinking," I replied. Ever since I helped Gena and gave her help for a lot, she grew to like me I guess.... My smile turned into a frown.' But soon,' I thought,' she'll find out my secret and never accept me for me...' My eyes widen and I almost gaged on the sent I smelt. It wasn't a vampire, nor was it a female werewolf. It was a male werewolf somewhere in this room. I glanced around, the back of my hair sticking plum up. I growled darkly, how could I not smell this yesterday?! Oh yeah, because I wasn't going to classes yet. I believe this is my third period/ hour. I started to sniff the air carefully, they was near, really close. I snapped out of my long trance when the bell ranged." Wh-what?" I whispered to myself. The male werewolfs sent was gone. Gena sighed." What am I going to do with you, new kid.." She mumbled. I chuckled and rubbed my neck." Sorry," I laughed and followed her out of my third hour. She stopped in front of a classroom." You go to Algebra class right?" She asked, glancing at me. Her voice still read," I don't care" but now it has a little care in it, I'm happy. I nodded my head and thanked her before running through the door. As I watched Gena walk away, I sighed and frowned. Many teens my age sat in the organized decks. The desks all pointed at the teachers desk and smart bored. I sighed and walked to the teacher, I assumed that's Mr,Lane. I told him that I was a new student and this is my first day." Okay, sit down..." He stopped for a second and pointed at a seat in the back." There." I groaned in my head and turned around on my heal, walking to my seat and sitting down." This sucks..." I whisper to my self just as soon as the bell rings. I glance to my sides and see both guys, but they nether had the sent I smelt awhile ago. I lowered my head, everything the teacher was talking about was already known to me. After all my home teacher was better then all theses humans. I finally I lad my head on the desk with my hands around my head. That's when I noticed this mark on the desk. It was small, but I could see it perfectly. It was a quarter moon shaped. It also had a line running through it, now that I think about it... This mark it everywhere. I growled, the sent I smelt earlier." Get out of my seat," a deep growl, sending chills down my spin. I looked up, my eyes widen in shock. A boy just my age stood at the side of my desk , his eyes are a bright blue and his hair was a light white- like he dyed it. I starred, his eyelashes were long and beautiful, and his smooth skin shaped his body perfectly. But yet, I'm not attracted to him." This is my desk now, so back off," I stated, rolling my eyes. I was so focused on my thoughts, I haven't noticed the students and teachers horror expression. I felt a hand wrapped around my arm tightly. I gridded my teeth and growled lowly." Move," the boy spat. I smirked as his grip tightens, he has no idea how strong I am. I stood up, his hand still held tightly on my arm. I grabbed his wrist even tighter and growled even deeper." Find a different seat," I said evilly, my eyes darken and my wolf fangs cutting my lip. He starred at me, a grin placed in his lips." A female werewolf?" He hummed. I stepped back, now knowing what he's getting at. He stepped closer to me, smirking. He lend to my ear and sniffed the air around me." A pure werewolf, that I can get my hands on," he let a low growl- only a growl for its mate. I growled back, a growl meaning," fuck off"." Whoa whoa whoa!" Someone chuckled and pulled the boy off of me. I starred again, even more shock flushed on my face. A boy- as tall as the other one, he has a bright orange dyed hair and his skin was smooth light but dark colored. He grinned and shoved the white haired boy behind him, holding out his hand." Hi, I'm Max!" He exclaimed," oh and sorry about him.. He's a little nervous about new comers." I starred. Nervous!? That was more that fucking harassment! " YOU THREE!" The teacher yelled.... Finally.. I glanced up and gulped, my fathers now going to kill me." TO THE OFFICE WITH ALL OF YOU!" I glanced at Max and the other teen. Max frowned and starred at the teacher." You don't see... Mr,Lane- am I right?" He asked, his voice some how darkening. The teacher nodded and crossed his arm." My father is the priceable of this school, so nor me and my friends will have to kiss your ass and do what ever you like." I coughed awkwardly, here I told myself I was going to stay safe and listen.. But apparently not no more. I sighed as the teacher grunted." I'm telling your father!" He yelled and ran passed us. Just before Mr,Lane could exit, Max blinked and grinned." He won't do a damn thing," he stated to the teacher. I sniffed the air and almost flipped, there's two werewolves in this school! And Max was one of them now. The teacher huffed and ran out of the room, the last thing he saying was," Go to your next class after the bell rings!" I glanced at Max and crossed my arms." Couldn't you just went easy on him?" I asked. Max smiled innocently and shook his head." Nah, he needed it." I titled my head in confusion.

" what do you mean?" I asked. Max took a second before answering my question." Mr,Lane has been touching some of the girl here, he also was going after you next," he explained. I starred at him blankly, how could he tell? I shook my head, that's enough of questions for now." It's not like we're going to kill him," the white haired boy whispered out,sarcasm dripping off his tongue. I growled at his remark and starred at him, hatred beaming in my hazel eyes." Fuck you!" I yelled, about to tackle him but Max grabbed my shoulder." Meet me today after school in the woods, there should be a old shack some where's around there," he whispered in my ear. I watched them walk away, along with the other classmates as the bell ring. I clutch my hands to fists and began to walk slowly out of the room. What did Max want? Was this the real Max? The excitement and fun Max? I shook my head and found my locker. As I opened it, I saw everything I need: books, paper, and a pack of pencils. I grabbed one of the books for science and toon a glance at my paper. Yep, next class... Science. I rolled my eyes and grabbed two pencils before slamming my locker shut." Was it really worth it coming to this school just to meet my mate?" I asked myself and shook my head, yes, yes it was! I began to walk to my class.

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