Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Alex's POV

I swung my body up and reached my hand out, but I was now in the real world. Was it a dream? I sighed and lowered my head towards the ground. I was on the ground in the now clean bathroom with a pillow and cover.

" What," I asked myself and rubbed my head. This was confusing. My wolf is a... Demon? That's off.. And what about 'her' ; what did she not tell me that's so important. I gripped the purple blanket in my lap. I hated being confused. And who was 'her" anyways?

" Alex?" I jumped up to my feet and faced Gena's worried face. I stared at her neck and gulped. Goddamn it! I grabbed my arm harshly, and dug my nails in my soft skin ." Explain to your like this," Gena whispered, a pause between her words. She grabbed my arm softly, hesitating as if she was scared to touch me at first. The same warmth I felt when I fell asleep was now on my arm . My body was not trembling no more: it was still as a rock. My grip on my arm loosened.

"Okay... I'll tell you everything..." I whispered and looked down. I was scared of what Gena was going to say. I grabbed Gena's arm softly and lead her into our bedroom. Making her seat down on one of the beds, I started pacing back and forth in front of her. "Okay, okay..." I kept repeating to myself.

I jumped at Gena's warm hand on my shoulder." It's okay, tell me," she stated. I nodded and sighed. Before speaking, I grabbed Gena's hand and rubbed it softly for comfort.

" I'm not a human," I stated," nor was I a vampire... I was a werewolf, but now I don't know what I am..." I refused to cry, but my tears got the best of me." I just want to be myself again," I sobbed and fell on my knees, also grabbing my neck," I didn't want to be this monster I am! I want to be a regular werewolf! I was suppose to be the next Alpha! NOT THIS!" I was now sobbing harshly. I couldn't speak other words because of the nots and dryness in my throat.

Gena's POV-

My eyes widen at Alex's actions. She was sobbing on the ground. I wanted to comfort her, but some people need to deal with their own problem.

" it's okay," I whispered, kneeling down," cry it out.." Alex kept sobbing until she couldn't no more. She laid on the ground, starring at me in the eyes. I stared back of course.

" your always calming me down," Alex signed," even if I was hurt..." I started to think about the wolf in the woods when I was staring at Alex. Why would I think about this in a time like this?

"So you don't remember..." Alex whispered and held up her wrist ,still sitting on the ground. My eyes widen when I spotted a red bracket that I have gave the wolf in the woods ,about three years ago. I grabbed her arm and lowered the bracket to see a dark black spot.

"Doggy!?" I whispered-yelled and tackled her into a tight hug." I knew you would come back!" I was so happy! I mean... I was mad, but I was so alone when I couldn't see Doggy.. I mean, Alex no more.

It was still a little confusing about the whole Alex being Doggy thing, but....." Why didn't you just show me, I mean tell me you was.. A werewolf?" I asked, careful about my words.

Alex stared at me, gazing into my eyes. But then, she broke the eye contact by looking away." I didn't want you to run away from me..." I could burly hear her whisper.

I tilted my head in confusion." Why would I run away? You was always there for me." Alex shook her head, turning her head back to me." You would run," she stated.

" no I wouldn't!" I growled in frustration. Alex sighed deeply and stood up to be taller then me. I stared at Alex, our eyes sharing gazes. She stepped closer to me.

I shuddered, she looked different. Her eyes became darker and her body began to change. I stepped back, shivering in fear with every step Alex took. I wanted to run and scream, but fear stopped me from doing anything. I just stood and stared.

Alex growled, now standing in front of me as a huge wolf. It was taller then her regular form, and it was also pitch black, not white. Her eyes sparkled with red." Now will you say you won't run away," she growled, circling around me like a wolf does to its pray before attacking.

I gulped down the thick lump in the back of my throat. I clutched my hands into tight fists." I-I still won't run-"

" Why are you scared then?" She asked, her voice dark and raspy," Why can I smell fear dripping off your body?" I tried to hide my shivers, but field. I knew Alex was just trying to scare me, but something was off about her. " This is my true form... My werewolf...." Alex whispered lowly this time. I gasped silently to myself. This wasn't the Alex I knew.

She stepped closer to me, her gaged white fangs was showing and drool was also running out of her jaw. I began to walk back, expecting to be trapped by a wall, but I stumbling backwards into the bathroom. I whimpered at the pain in my back. Alex stopped, inches away from my fallen body. She started at me what seems like for three hours, but it was only one minute. She broke the gaze and turned away.

" And that's why.... I should have never tried to make you like me cause of some stupid crush... A human could never like me.. A worthless werewolf!" Alex growled. I stared at her, my eyes wide in shock. A crush? I slowly looked down, my eyes filling up with unknown tears. I haven't realized how I felt, and I never have tried...

" Alex.." I whispered under my shaky breath. Alex just stood there as if she refused to look at me." Y-you like-"

" shut up!" Alex growled, turning around to face me again," I wanted to protect you! But all I did was make you their target!" What I saw was shocking. Tears was streaming down her wolf face, even though it was covered with black fur I could still tell it was tears. She.. Was crying.

That's when what she said finally got to my head." Their target?" I asked. Was I in danger or something? I shuddered at that thought.

" I'm leaving,"Alex muttered and grabbed many things with her wolf jaw. I ran to her and grabbed her tail before she could jump out the window. I didn't know why I would do that, but something snapped in my head.

" am I in danger? Alex ?" I asked and stared in Alex's red wolf eyes. She broke the gas again and pulled her tail away from my tight grip. I was a little shock at how strong her tail was. If her tail was that strong, she had to be five or even ten times stronger. Alex glanced one last time at me before jumping fully out our tiny window, I didn't even know how she fitted through it.

" Alex!" I screamed through the window. I wanted to run after her, but I was still a weak human. I clutched my hands tightly and punched the wall beside my window. The wall shattered at my straights, and my fist was instantly through it. I pulled my hand away in shock. I didn't know I was that strong.. These walls are made out of pure concert.... I glanced around... I'm so confused.

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