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Alex's POV

I flinched at the awful ringing of the school bell, I hate those things. After rubbing my ears, I grabbed my things and walked out of the anointing class room. I opened my locker harshly and threw my things in it." Goddamn!" I cursed to myself as some of the things fell out, talk about bad timing. I kneeled down and began to pick the things up. With a quick sigh, I stood up about to shove them back in my locker, but when someone pinned me to a locker." A female wolf," a deep growl- more different then Max's and the other werewolf. My eyes widen in shock and horror, the smell of a... Alpha wolf was in front of me. He starred at me, his shoulder-length-black hair pulled up to a pony tail and his green eyes starred into mine. I bit my lip and licked the blood of them." A freshly pick one in deed," he hummed, his some what deep voice priced me. I growled darkly." Back the fuck off." He grinned, a grin only an Alpha like me and him can pull off. I tilted my head down slightly and darkened my eyes. He backed away slowly, and I thought out of the corner of my eyes his eyes widen, but they wasn't." An... Alpha?" He laughed," you! A female! Has the sent of an Alpha?!" He laughed harder. I huffed and rolled my eyes before shoving my things in my locker and slamming it." Fuck off..." I muttered, hiding my sadness with announce. I was about to walk away, but when the Alpha grabbed my arm."This is my turf, why are you here?" He asked, with a low growl and danger sparked in his green eyes. I grinned and turned to him." I'm here to claim what's mine," and with that I yanked my arm away and walked away.

I sighed deeply as I shut my dorms room door and locking it. I leaned on the door and closed my eyes tightly." That was close," I stated to myself. I tried to calm my breath, but every emotion hit me. A single tear excaped my left eye, causing more to fall after it. I asumed my room mate wasn't here, but I guess I was wrong." A-Alex?" It was Gena. I glanced up, tears blinking my eye sight for a quick second." G-Gena!" I yelped and ran to her, my arms open. Gen wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back as I sobbed into her shoulder." Wh-Whats wrong?" She cooed, conforting me softly with her hug. I calmed my breath and sniffed in Gena's sent." I-I," I tried to speak up, but my vocie cracked. Gena understanded my pain, so she kept quiet and just conforted me until I calmed down just enough to speak.

" I'm sorry," I stepped away from Gena's warm arm. I soon regreted, my bodt trembled with out her touch and my tears threanted to come out again. All of a sudden I remembered I was suppose to be going some where." Ah! I-I need to go!" I mutter and ran to a window. Gena grabbed my arm, making me tremble at the warmth." Wa-wait!" She ordered," that window is very high up!" I yanked her arm away, fear that I might lose control. Glancing at Gena's worried face, I sighed and opened the window." Trust me, I know.." I whispered, jumping out of the window. I landed on my feet and disappearEd in a mere second. My body changed and I began running around in the woods, sniffing around to find where they might be at. He said it was a little deep in the woods, I hope they don't lie to me. I sighed and stopped, I had ran for awhile, and I still couldn't find them." Oh! There you are!" I smiled and turned around to see Max. I stood on two legs and quickly changed back." That is really nice fur you have," he was referring to my white fur, but there was always weird marking under my right eye. I sighed and said a quick thank you before following him to his pack." May I ask your Alpha's name?" I blurted out randomly. Max stopped all of a sudden, making me bump into him. He clutched his hands tightly and twitched as if anger had token over his body." His.. Name is Kain.." He spat out through his grinding teeth. I tilted my head in confusion." S-sorry for asking.." I muttered, and sighed. Max sighed longingly and began walking again. I stared at Max's back as I followed, what was he hiding?

After awhile, we finally arrived. Max stopped, agin making me run into him." Stop doing that-" I shut my mouth when I gasped,and my eyes was wide. Many houses lined up beside a bigger one- most liklly the Alpha house." So..." I mumbled," what did you need to talk about?" Max shook his head in disappointment." Your clueless for a female Alhpa." He commented. I growled and yanked him around, grabbing the color on his shirt." Fuck you," I spat and threw him to the ground.

" snappy, I like it~" a voice I knew well hummed. I growled again and turned around, a smirk on my lips." Hello, asshole~" I cooed, a grin replacing my smirk. The blacked hair alpha frowned and crossed. Max got off the ground and grabbed my shoulder tightly, as if telling me," you shouldn't of done that." I sighed, it was so pity how he doesn't think I'm the next alpha for my group. I twisted my body, raising my right foot as it kicked him right in the stomach. He fell back, yelping in pain." Now," I turned to the black hair guy!" I may say that correctly." I took a breath and bowed." I am Alexa Loner, the next alpha of my pack, and I ask if I can stay in your pack for a few mouths?"

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