Chapter 12: Emptiness

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Mikazuki, Reine and Yoshino are in a cemetery, standing in front of a grave belong to Nagisa Himekawa. They're here per Yoshino's request when she learned she had a mother. According to the record, her mother passed away due to a work-related accident while Yoshino is being treated in a hospital.

After cleaning the grave that was left for over 26 years, Yoshino and Yoshinon put their palms together and gave their prayer to the grave as the adults watched them from behind.

"Um... it's been so long, mom.. I don't really remember what kind of person my mom is but... I know my mom is a wonderful person.." Yoshino said nervously. "Um, I want to introduce Yoshinon to you, mom."

"Please to meet you, Okāsan." Yoshinon greeted. "You don't have to worry about Yoshino's well being. She's a been a good girl and being the cutest! Ah, we also meet a wonderful person! He's a teacher and also a superhero!"

Yoshino nodded in agreement before looking back to Mikazuki. "Um, Yukihara-sensei?"

"Hai, hai." Mikazuki walked next to Yoshino and kneeled down before giving his pray to Nagisa. "Please to meet you, Himekawa-san. My name is Mikazuki Yukihara and I work as a teacher for your daughter. Well, she has yet return to school, but I've been tutoring her personally."

"Yukihara-sensei is a wonderful teacher. Studying with him is very fun." Yoshino added.

"Oh! Oh! After studying, we also playing Ultraman vs Kaiju together!" Yoshinon cheered. "Right, Ultrawoman Yoshino?"

She nodded. "It was fun!"

"Nuruhuhuhu..." Mikazuki chuckled. "Himewaka-san, rest assure. Your precious daughter is under a good care. And thank you for not giving up on her."

Once they're finished, Mikazuki grabbed the cleaning equipment that they'd borrowed from the shed. They walked out from the grave and suddenly, Mikazuki sensed a presence from behind.

"Thank you, Sensei-san..."

He quietly glanced to the source and startled slightly to see the spirit of Nagisa Himekawa. She smiled at him peacefully before vanishing into the air. Mikazuki smiled in response before returning to Reine.

"Thank you, Sensei." Yoshino said to Mikazuki.

"You're welcome." He gently petted her head. "Murasame-sensei, mind if you accompany Yoshino-chan back to the car?"

"Understood." She nodded.

The adults swapped the cleaning equipment, and both Reine and Yoshino headed to the exit with the empty bucket while Mikazuki walked to the opposite direction. He walked pass graves with their respective names until he stopped in front of a grave with a large tree behind it.

Smiling, he approached the grave and cleaned it up. After that, he gave his prayer by putting his palms together.

"I'm back, mom." Mikazuki greeted the grave of his adopted mother, Saya Yukihara. "Sorry that I rarely visit you because of my work but, there's a lot I wanted to say."

He began his story from his identity as a former Dark God and carefully telling her the secret behind the spacequake. Despite the danger he went through fighting Kaijus and robot to save his students from harm, he had fun and such because he's able to see his students again after all that.

"You must be surprise, knowing your son is a giant." He smiled.

"I bet she is." Reine walked next to Mikazuki. "Anyone would be surprise knowing that a person can turn into a giant."

Mikazuki chuckled in response. Reine took a seat next to him and gave her prayer to his mother.

"So, she's the reason why you became a teacher?" Reine asked, implying Mikazuki's mother.

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