Chapter 37: War (Part 1)

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The fateful day has come. The fate of the world lies on the hands of humanity's bravest. Ratatoskr main HQ is Earth last defense, and humanity are ready to reclaim their home from the savage Space Beasts and their master.

Every available soldiers had gathered in the Shatterdome hangar to prepare themselves for the fight. Some giving their parting words to their love ones, praying for each other safety or giving each other an encouragement. It is without a doubt that their victory comes with a sacrifice.

But before their deployment, Elliot decided to give them a word of encouragement to rile up their spirit.

He entered the control room with Karen by his side, and the personnels inside noticed them. He walked to the mic and switched it on, and the speaker rang out inside the hangar.

{May I have your attention please?}

Everyone in the hangar, soldiers and personnels stopped what they're doing and turned their attentions to the Director.

{Today.. at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time.. we have chosen not to only to believe to ourselves or each other.. but in him.}

Monitors around the hangar came to life, and everyone looked to see record footages of Ultraman Roc fighting against various Kaijus.

{He came from an unknown origin.. we are practically strangers to him and yet for months, he put his life on the line to protect this world and its inhabitant.}

The footage then changed to when Roc is killed and brought to the sky by Nexus. It broke the heart of the Dunamists and those who close to him.

{Yes, he's gone...} Elliot frowned before it changed into a determined expression. {But not his hope and will!}

The footage changed again and this time, it showed the Roc fusion giants fighting the Kaijus side by side.

{Today there's not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today.} He continued. {Today we face the monsters that on our home! And bring the fight to them! Today we are cancelling the apocalypse!}

The hangar then filled with a powerful roar from the people as their spirits are skyrocketed by the encouragement.

All Chrome Chester pilots hopped inside their jets, and seven squadrons are carrying precious cargos.

The Dunamists.

But since the Yamai twins are one Ultraman, they hopped together into a single jet where it set into autopilot.

The Chester squadron objective is to escort the Dunamists to their designated Space Beast targets and sent the targets' precise coordinates back to the HQ. Maria and Marina will handle the information relay, which is the most crucial variable in war.

Once they sent the coordinates, HQ will send all Jaegers that compatible against the Space Beasts to their exact location for a surprise attack. Juggler had prepared numerous Bullton card and put them in a machine that allows Ratatoskr to utilize the card's power. However, it's a one-time use.

The next step would be broadcasting the fight in a live footage to everyone in the HQ, including the refugees. It's a risky move but if the war is in humanity favor, it'll give a positive reaction from the people.

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