Chapter 19: The Festival

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The day of the festival has arrived in the Tengu Square in Tengu city with an explosion of fireworks. Variance of visitors came by to enjoy and experience everything the festival has to offer.

Raizen has already prepared their Reverse Gender cafe, and all of the students have crossdressed with their own respective clothing. Unlike the females, the male students felt embarrassed and uncomfortable by the get up despite not wearing makeup or wigs.

"Ne, Itsuka-kun." Tonomachi went to Shido's side. "You think this is gonna work?"

"You expected us to win with our only top 5 beauty in our school against Rindouji?" Shido asked back. "Beside, you boys are not the only one who's crossdressing. Look!"

Shido showed his chef clothes that has a long black skirt and short heels to the boys. Tohka and the Yamai twins couldn't help themselves but fascinated by the clothes while Origami snapped a photo of him in many angles as Kurumi giggled in amuse manner behind her hand.

"Our laughs and gags will be our selling points and when it comes to food, I'm the pro." Shido continued.

"Nuruhuhuhuhuehehehe! Now, that's a confident, Itsuka-kun!"

Everyone turned their attention to the front entrance where Mikazuki's voice came. The curtain was then opened, revealing Mikazuki in a Geisha kimono with octopus motif and lipstick.

 The curtain was then opened, revealing Mikazuki in a Geisha kimono with octopus motif and lipstick

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"Everyone in Raizen should show the same spirit of festival!" He cheered.

"You're the most hyped one here!"

"An apprentice Geisha?!"

"And it looks good on him!"

The students voiced out their complains and amazement on how the dress is complete fit with Mikazuki.

"Y-yukihara-sensei." Kurumi stuttered.

"Nyu?" Mikazuki looked to her and found her trying to resist her laugh.

"Can I?" She lifted up her phone.


And immediately, she took a picture of him. She walked away while staring at the picture with a giggle.

"Sate, Min'na-san. We've got customers to serve outside. Everyone has their own roles with one goal; To win the festival with excitement!" Mikazuki stated. "Now, Head Chef, the stage is yours."

Shido nodded and turned his attention to his classmates and friends. "Alright, everyone! Let's do our best! Capture the customers' stomach and give them the best laughter they could never forget!"

The entire students of Raizen roared out in excitement, and they began to carry out their duties. Mikazuki went to the front entrance to greet and advertise the cafe. Surely enough, the customers voiced out their amusement on his clothing.

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