Chapter 33: Their Bonds

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In the Fraxinus, Shido and Kotori are soaking themselves in a healing bath that separated by genders. Their wounds are exposed to the water and slowly fading due to the magic imbued water.

Meanwhile, the SPUs are taking a break while Cecile is giving mission report and discussing Westcott's possible plan with Artemisia.


"According to Ellen's information from Zagi's memory, the chance of Westcott in recreating Izmael is high." Cecile replied. "There were no sign of Sphere coming out from Pedoleon, so Westcott clearly can bring any kind of Space Beast he wants directly from Lucifer's fragment."

"The Ultimate Beast, Izmael..." Artemisia uttered the name in fear. "An abomination between 12 Space Beasts combined."

"Ellen also claimed that Nexus' third Dunamist was having a hard time in fighting it."

"Is there a way to prevent it creations?"

Cecile shook her head, and Artemisia dropped her head in displease. Izmael is considered to be the worst and the most difficult opponent. It has all the power of the 12 Space Beasts. Izmael's revival is inevitable, so Ratatoskr can only be desperate and fight the Beast head-on.

"How's our Spirit?" Artemisia asked, averting the conversation topic to another.

"She immediately went into depression when she entered the isolation chamber." Cecile reported with grieve.

"What do you mean?"

"The chamber negated Spirit power, and her true form revealed. She went panic immediately and shut herself away from people." She explained. "Don't worry. Mio is already on the task."

"Thank you, Jabberwock. You may dismissed."

Cecile gave Artemisia a salute before turning away and walked away. The door automatically opened for her, but she stopped by the frame and glanced back to her friend.

"Take a rest, Artemisia. You need it."

The ship commander nodded to her friend with a kind smile, and Cecile responded the gesture in the same manner before exiting the room.


Mio entered the isolation chamber where the interior are like a living room. She spotted Natsumi curling on the couch, and the Spirit immediately threw a pillow at the woman but missed.

"Why are you here?!"

"Shido already told you, didn't he? We're here to help." Mio clarified.

"Do you really have to shut my power down?!"

"My apologies but, it's a protocol."

Natsumi looked away. "Whatever."

"Take a seat wherever you want. We can talk regardless." Mio instructed while taking a seat on the dining table.

"What is there to talk about?"

"The reason you suddenly depressed."

Mio already knew Natsumi's case from Ren, but it is better if she pretend not to know.

"Because.. you saw and know my secret, obviously." Natsumi stated.

"Secret?" Mio asked.

"Th-that is... my true form.."

"I see.." Mio replied before writing down the information into her note. "Can you explain why you hide it from anyone?"

"Why?!" Natsumi hissed. "Wh-when I'm this much of a disgraceful mess, how could I not be mad?!"

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