Dumb dog. 15, July 2023
There sits a dumb dog on your front porch
Patiently waiting for its owner.
For he does not know any better
Please do discipline him
When he get's out of hand
And he will learn never to disobey again
For you are his influence.
I am dumb dog, stupidly and unconditionally loyal.
For you are my home, the only warmth I knowStories to tell the moon. 17, July 2023
I know you don't want to be writer
anymore but if you ever plan on writing a book,
write it about us.
Write it about how stupid I was and how you
couldn't talk when I needed you to.
I've lost you so many times and every time
I found you again I was happier than the last time.
They say time heals but I feel like those 6 months
I was apart from you just made me
realize how much I truly do love you.
I hope you know I tell our stories to the moon.
Letters unsent
PuisiAnonymous letters written to those who have broken the heart of a 14 year old boy. Letters who have never been delivered. Letter boy secretly wrote letters to people ad never gave them out. Short letters. New publisher (looking for feedback)