her last Mission (park minju)

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Y/n -

Hi! I'm Lee Y/n, an angel.

In heaven, each angel has their own designated mission or task that needs to be accomplished to be reincarnated.

Lucky for me, this is my last Mission! What is my mission? To make a Girl named Park Minju fall in love.

Minju -

"It's so peaceful in here, is this what heaven looks like?" I whispered in the air, "God? Can I ask you something?" I asked looking at the sky.

"What did I do to deserve it?" I said moving forward to the sea, trying to drown myself but someone pulled me back.

"Why would you do that? You don't know how hard it is to succeed a mission in heaven just to be reincarnated again!" The person said in a angry tone, "huh? Who are you?" I tried to look at the person's face but It was very bright.

"I'm Lee Y/n, I'm here to make you fall inlove." She said, "why would you want to do that?" I replied.

"I am an angel from heaven, You're my last Mission." She said smiling, my sadness passed and i laughed at her.

"Well, if that's really your Mission you already failed. I don't believe in love anymore." I responded and her face was suddenly filled with disappointed, "I can tell." She whispered.

And this was the first time we met.

We eventually became close and she wasn't joking about what she said, she'd always set me up to romantic dates with different guys and i appreciate that she always made sure that those she set me up with was nice and decent but.... somehow I don't feel connection to any of them.

- After a few months -

"Hi! This is my boyfriend chan-gyu," i introduced him to y/n and when chan-gyu went to the bathroom she immediately went beside me, "oh my god! You did it, Mission success!" She said holding my shoulders and shaking me in excitement.

"I still don't get you but congrats?" I said confused and she had this smile, it was the happiest day for her i guess.

-(a month later cause I'm lazy af)-

Y/n's POV:

Minju and chan-gyu has been together for a month now but I'm still here, i called minju.



"You don't really love
chan-gyu, do you?"

"How did you..."

"I just do."

"I started dating him to see
If my feelings would change...."

"But its been almost a
Month now..."

"Still nothing?"


"It's okay, let's meet up
at the beach?"


*Call ended*

-at the beach-

"Are you really an angel?" She asked as we both sat at the sand, "it's fine if you don't believe me." I replied and gave her a small smile before looking down at the sand.

"I do but what happens if you fail this mission? If i... fail to fall inlove." She said hesitantly, "then I'll be an angel forever." I said making an eye contact with her while smiling sadly.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best and make sure i fall inlove. I have to, I'll do it... for you." She said trying to give me reassurance, "I... i broke up with him." She added looking away.

I hugged her tightly as i felt her tears fall down, "I'm sorry, i couldn't do it." I tried to comfort her.

"It's okay, atleast you're being honest with yourself. You can't force love so don't push yourself if you don't feel anything for them." I said breaking the hug and i looked deep in her eyes, "so what's it like being an angel?" She asked.

"Its peaceful, calm, but... empty. That's why i want to become human again, to experience human things." I explained smiling by the thought of it, "like what?" She questioned.

"To love and to be loved." I happily replied.

Eventually we lost track of time, as months passes by I stopped looking for her "true love" and she stopped trying to restore her faith in love.

Minju -

One day, i finally realized.

It's her, it has always been her.

Y/n is my true love, she's the one who brought me back to life.

God didn't send him to help me find and love someone, god sent him to restore my dying heart.

"I can't wait to tell her." I thought.

"Here y/n!" I said as i waved my hands, she's now walking towards me.

I'm smiling brightly at him and this joy, I've never felt it.

But something's wrong about her, she's smiling but it feels forced... a hint of sadness is painted on his face.

"Y/n, i think I'm inlove." I said, "it's you." I added with a smile.

I hugged her tightly but i felt tears dropping, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry if you loved me... I'm sorry that I can't stay." I noticed that she was slowly fading away.

"See you next life, minju?" She smiled and placed her first and last kiss at my lips.

And just like that, he vanished.

"Dear god, thank you for sending me one of your sweetest angel to me. I now know how to love, and one thing I'll never forget is....

'to love and to be loved'

she taught me those two things.

Would it be too much to ask for her to come back and be with me? God? Can i request something? Once i pass away, please allow her to be with me


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