i miss my lover, man. (Son Jiwoo)

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" I wanted to die and she wanted to live "


How come the world is so cruel?

She was my everything... The one who made me feel safe and loved when i felt like i was never going to be loved the way that i love, she was the one who'd be there whenever you needed her.

She was there when i needed a shoulder to lean on, she was the love of my life.

If anyone ever asks me, do you still remember that time when you guys first met? I'd respond like this...

Yes, i remember it all too well.

And it hurts that i remember it vividly,


Cause' she's gone but not in my memories

Not in my mind, Every hour... Every second... She's here.

I remember the way she smile, i can hear the way she laughs and if there was a way to bring her back I'd do it.

Even if it means me being gone, I'd rather have her alive.

She was the reason i lived anyways,

I wanted to die and she wanted to live but it seems like it became the other way around, she died and i lived.

You know what hurts?

Me knowing everything about it, everything that she wanted to do.

Promises we made that's now broken, i loved her truly and i still do.

It drives me crazy thinking about her but what can i do? After all she was the only person i had.

In the end, we only regret
The chances we didn't take and it hurts that I didn't take the chances i once had.

It was midnight and it was raining, lightning struck and it had me startled.

I was out, by myself.

I was driving, where to? Hm...

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